Chapter 21

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We dropped Tony off at the Nexus an hour ago, and we're about five minutes out from Seoul. Steve gets ready because we're dropping him off in Helen's lab and to see if Ultron is still there. 

"Grace, you know what your job is right?" He asks as he wraps his utility belt around his waist. 

"Yes, take care of the Maximoff kids," I say a little harshly, I'm still not happy that he made me sit out of the last one.

"If Ultron is still in the lab, the Maximoff kids will most likely be there so I need you guys to be ready if they are."  Steve mumbles, whatever the Maximoff girl showed him must have shaken him up. I place the comm into my ear and make sure that I have everything that I need before Steve opens the hatch. Water surrounds a tiny island where the lab sits, it's dark in there. 

"Steve something doesn't seem right," I say. "It may be a trap." 

Steve nods before running into the building, Clint makes the quinjet fly into the air but we leave the hatch open in case Steve needs back up. 

"You know, he made you sit out because he doesn't want you to get hurt right?" Natasha says coming up to me. "You're just a kid and we don't like it when you get hurt, especially when it is simple mistakes that cause you to break a bone or get stitches." 

"But I'm OK, I'm sure that we all get hurt in battles one way or another," I say. 

"But you're like a kid we never had, Grace. We all care about you and we want you to have the most of your childhood." 

"If it was only that simple for creatures like me," I say before Steve's voice comes on the comms. 

"Dr. Cho!" He says. Natasha and I look over at each other, both of us knowing that this is not going to end well. We run to computers to look to see if anything looks out of the ordinary.

"He's uploading himself into the body," Cho's voice comes in from the comms. "The real power is inside the cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark." 

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve asks. 

"We did," Clint answers back. 

"I got a private jet taking off across town, no manifest," Natasha says beside me. 

"Where are the enhanced?" I ask and Natasha just looked at me before shrugging. 

"We'll find them." She says. 

"There, a truck from the lab. Right above you Cap, on the loop on the bridge." Clint says. "It's them, I can take out the driver."

"Negative! If that truck crashes the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Natasha quickly gets up and opens the bottom of the ship. She adjusts herself onto a motorcycle.

"Got a window; four, three, two, give them hell." The hatch below opens to the street. 

"Clint, when do I go in?" I ask. 

"Uh, when Cap orders it." He says back. "But you might want to buckle up!"

I run over to a seat and buckle myself in before we go straight into the air and flip around. I close my eyes and look up after a wave of nausea hits me. 

"Coming back to you," Clint says. "Whatever you're gonna do, do it now." 

"Grace, I need your help! On the train." Steve shouts. 

I unbuckle myself before running over to the latch and pull it. I place my classic mask over my face and turn around. 

"Hey, Clint how high are we?" 

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