Chapter 53

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My eyes open to a room, it's not very large. There's are a cot and a window into the main room. Wanda's cell is across from her. We've been here for almost a week and nothing has happened. We have not gotten any news on whether or not the assassins were released into the world, whether or not Steve and Bucky are alive, whether or not we'll ever get out of here, how Peter remembers me.

My mind always wanders back to him, it is just as bad as it was a couple of months ago. Did I make some kind of mistake while doing that? Did I forget to tell him to delete something? What did I forget to do? What did I-

My blood runs cold from the realization of what happened. I left the pictures I took with Peter, I did not grab them from his coat pocket. My back leans against the wall and I bang my head against it. A zap is released from the collar around my neck. The way they explained it was when my brain waves reach a certain peak I receive a zap, and I since just received one means that the waves do not go that high when I use my abilities.

Wanda flinches in the cell in front of me, she must have gotten zapped too. That's how it usually works; both of us get zapped when one of us do something wrong. I mumble a 'sorry' and put my casted arm up to my face. We haven't been talking much, the guards haven't been either. I don't know how Rhodey is doing nor do I know how Peter is doing.

My hand slaps me in the face and I tell myself to knock it off. I need to move on from all this drama, I need to let go of my past and forget about all of it. A zap courses through my body and I jolt in the bed before falling to the floor. I slowly get up and mumble another sorry to Wanda. This brings me more hate towards the United Nations, more hate towards this nightmare people call life.

A light flashes in our cells and a wall begins to descend in front of the window. Wanda and I run to the end and bang the glass before a force throws us back and a bang is heard once ours are closed. An alarm blares and I press my good ear against the wall, since they took away my hearing aid, footsteps are heard outside before many thuds and moans are heard outside. I back up in my cell and get myself in a defensive position. I can only do so much but I'm not going to go down without a fight.

The wall gets banged in and I can't help but take a step back. I have been working on my fighting abilities but they have been going downhill since I haven't practiced them much in the past two months. The wall groans before it is ripped off the window and a zap of electricity courses through my body. My body collapses to the ground and arms wrap around my neck. A scream escapes my lips and the collar gets pulled off my neck before the hands disappear. The familiar warmth surrounds my arms and I open my eyes to see Steve and Sam look at me fearfully. Lang, Clint and Wanda stare at me with wide eyes in the background. I slowly get up and walk out of the room before embracing Steve and Sam and Wanda and Clint and even Lang.

A smile on all our faces as we bolt to the storage floor.

"Remember, they're just doing their jobs," I shout as we make our way down the stairs. "They have families, just knock them out."

Steve looks back at me with a proud look on his face before turning back around. I jump down the final flight of stairs and punch a guard in the face, knocking him out cold. Everyone stops and looks down at the guard before looking up at me.

"You've really had that much rage?" Steve asks as he touches his shoe against the man's hand who doesn't react to it. I shrug at them before slamming my unbroken fist at the door, causing it to fly back. I run in and prepare to fight anyone who came my way but no one was in the room. Everyone else follows in and runs around to look for their things. I walk over to a shelf and pull out a cube that had my name on it.

I pull my uniform and hearing aid out of it and something falls to the floor. I crouch down and pick it up, but something doesn't feel right about this paper. My shaking fingers unfold it and I almost scream at what's written in it.

Can't wait to see you ~Zaydon

I feel my blood run cold in my body. I thought I killed them all those years ago, I thought I killed him, I thought I killed that rogue part of their kind. I crumple up the piece of paper and stare at the cube before warmth enters my hand. I look down and see that the paper burst into a ball of purple flames. I crunch the ashes and release it to the ground.

"Grace, we gotta go," Lang says coming up to me. My head nods as I grab my uniform and the boots, I leave the mask in the bin. Hopefully, they get the message, the message that I am done hiding and that I am who I'm meant to be. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Yes, now let's just get out of here before unexpected guests arrive," I say to him. Lang nods before taking off down the hallway, I take a good hard look at the ashes on the ground before following him out the door that was once my prison.

We run up to the deck and get into the quinjet, The door closes and the jest starts up before lifting off into the air. I walk over to Steve because I have a lot on my mind.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask and Steve just sighs before looking over at me.

"We're going to build a new type of team, we're going to train and fight until the world needs us," Steve says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I'm actually going to go back to my family, they've been too involved in this and I need to see my kids," Clint stands up, Lang follows suit.

"I need to get back to my family too," He says more quietly. "Sorry, Cap."

"We'll drop you off," Steve says, "as for the rest of you, welcome to the team."

"When do we start?" I cross my arms and wait for his response.

"We just did."

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