A Simple Game (Everything's Going Down In Flames)

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Keith was sitting on the couch waiting for Pidge's friends to come pick him up. Apparently, Pidge had some film club friends that were also doing the contest and had a car to give the two of them a ride. "It's going to be awkward, I don't know them." Keith claimed and Pidge shrugged as she checked her camera battery for the one hundredth time.

She had been told by their club teacher to take pictures even though her last club meeting was next week, her club advisor wanted to get a head start on next year. "If you had stayed in film club, maybe you would've gotten to know them. Besides, L and Aaren are pretty cool. I don't think they'll judge you too harshly or anything."

Suddenly a car horn could be heard outside and Pidge hopped to her feet. "That's them!" She said and Keith grabbed his jacket, phone and sketchbook, walking out nervously.

"Yo! Tiny demon c'mon!!!" A girl with black hair shouted that Keith recognized as the girl with red hair from a while ago that had stopped him on the bus, quoting Hamilton at him.

"Oh hey you're Aaron Burr, Sir." the girl said as he approached and he just nodded a bit as he and Pidge got in the back.

Keith buckled up his seat belt, adjusting himself in the backseat. "Are you guys cosplaying?" Keith asked, eyeing the two's strange clothing. "Yep!" The girl with black hair answered, fluffing her hair up a bit. "By the way, Keith! My name is L. As in the letter. Not E-L-L-E. And no it's not a Death Note reference." She said as if she had answered that question many times before and Keith just nodded.

"So, you two match? In your costumes, I mean." Pidge asked, moving her glasses up her nose.

L turned, smiling as she adjusted her red scarf. "Yep! We're Callum and Rayla from this super cool show called The Dragon Prince." She informed her. "Callum's super awesome, he's my favorite so I dressed up as him. Rayla is Aaren's fave because Rayla's a badass."

Keith nodded as he smiled at the two in front, L now talking to Aaren about some show she had watched, insisting they absolutely had to watch it. Keith could tell that L was energetic by the way she bounced her leg on the floor and her hands made constant motions in the air.

Keith could also tell that L was a very sociable person, considering she easily started talking to him and had smiled wide at him the moment she met him.

Don't you wish you could be like her?


Something Keith had learned from this so far half hour ride was that L was a superfan of everything. She overanalyzed every detail about the show, trying to guess the next episode. Aaren seemed to just listen and add in input whenever L forgot a word or got something wrong. Though Keith suspected the other was secretly just as big a a fan.

"Have you read the new chapter of Lumine?" Aaren asked L, stopping the fangirl in the middle of her rant.

"Oh shit. I downloaded it but I haven't read it yet. Gimme a sec!" L pulled out her phone and immediately went silent and Keith thanked Aaren for the break of silence. Pidge giggled at the two and turned to Aaren. "So what did L do for her animation?" Pidge asked and Aaren stopped at a stop light. "She did an animation thing for a YouTuber she watches. With the song Pity Party I think." Pidge nodded. "Keith did the 'Boys' animation meme with a character he made up on the spot. It looks awesome."

Keith and L both turned around, Keith glaring and L pouting. "You guys talk about us like we aren't here." L said and Pidge laughed. "We're aware!" she responded and Keith hit her head.

"So what are you two gonna do before the contest?" Keith asked and as he had predicted, L turned, phone forgotten, as she started to talk.

"So one of my favorite artists is doing a panel there so I want to get advice from her. Also some of my favorite actors are doing panels this week but today's panel is run by Misha and Sebastian." L explained and Keith sat up straighter as he recognized the names. "Misha and Sebastian as in Castiel and Balthazar?" he asked.

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