The Final Finals Of Highschool (SUCK IT LANCE)

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Week 3

Keith groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, light filling the room and he almost growled as he sat up. Keith stood up, almost immediately remembering the events from last night and ran to Shiro's room. Upon opening the door, Keith's eyes landed on a note and an empty room he frowned as he walked over to Shiro's bed and picked up the note.

Hey buddy!

I got out of the hospital but TISCH needed Matt and I to go check something for them for our next movie project. Good luck on your English final today and say hi to Lance for me >_o


Keith rolled his eyes at his not-brother's note and felt his cheeks flush at the mention of Lance. Oh, and speaking of Lance, he still had Keith's bags.

He's going to forget it.


Your bags, then you're gonna fail the final because you don't have your pens or pencils.

Fuck off.

Keith bit his lip though. What if Lance did forget to bring his bag? What if he failed because he didn't have a pen? or what if he couldn't write a good essay? Or what if he forgets everything he's ever studied? What if-

Keith's phone went off, bringing him out of his thoughts as he took it out of his pocket, leaving Shiro's gym-like bedroom.

Shakira (6:32): Got your bags, Britney! Don't be late

Keith smiled and walked into his room, pulling out clothes with one hand as he texted Lance slowly with the other.

Britney (6:33): Thanks Shakira. And I'm not going to be late, we still have like, a few minutes

Shakira (6:33): yeah, yeah, whatever. see you soon.

Keith smiled at the message as he turned his phone off, changing into what Shiro calls his "Lazy Outfit," which consists of black sweatpant (even though it was almost summer), an oversized Nirvana t-shirt that Pidge constantly made fun of him for wearing and his black vans. Keith grabbed his phone and walked out the door down to his bus stop, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Worrying for your older not-brother who was in the hospital is very tiring if you couldn't tell.

When Keith arrived at the bus stop, Lance smiled at him, handing the raven haired teen his bag and the sketchbook Lance had given him the day before. "You look like shit," Lance commented and Keith rolled his eyes. "I know." He answered and Lance grinned a bit before his expression softened. "Hey, how's Shiro? You didn't really tell me what happened after you left." Lance asked and Keith smiled.

"Shiro's fine, he's just a dumbass. He had bronchitis and Matt took him to the hospital. I think he now has the mom-approval stamp though from Kotoko to marry Shiro now though." Keith commented and Lance snorted. "Well, it's good he's not dead or anything. We don't both want to have sick siblings." Lance commented, fake smiling. Keith bit the bottom of his lip and looked at the stop sign that Lance was leaning on. "How's Rebecca?" Keith asked and Lance dropped the fake smile.

"She's getting a little upset. Mama won't let her hang out with anyone or go places anymore and she wants to see her friends and hang out with Claire and everything it's just-I feel really bad. And we're trying to help her. She keeps getting weaker too and she gets less and less hungry everyday. I just-I want her to get better." Lance said, voice soft and low and Keith nodded. "Hey man," Keith said and rested his hand on Lance's shoulder. "It'll be fine, okay? I, uh, I did some research and most victims of leukemia do have a successful recovery. Lots of them actually. You guys just keep doing what you're doing and be there for her. And why not have her friends come over to your guys house sometimes? That way she still gets to interact, and if she's home you guys can watch her and stuff."

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