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Number 5 infected everyone
She could make a room go from full happiness to none
If she got excited everyone would get happier
It was irritating but no one could live without her

As you all probably know, zombies are supposed to bite people then you also become a zombie; you'd be infected. She didn't bite but her emotions infected everyone. If she was angry, everyone was angry. If she was happy, everyone was happy. If she was laughing, everyone was laughing. She barely even realised she had this ability at first; however, everyone else noticed it as soon as it started.

She began to realise that this happened when she was talking to her friend while waiting to go for her weekly hospital check up (she only ever made a few friends due to how often she missed school for hospital and doctors appointments, a friend she made also went to the hospital regularly and they waited with each other) and they told her to be quieter. Suddenly, the whole waiting room filled with younger children running around being, well, kids went dead silent. The nurse who told her to be quieter didn't even say it that loudly. There was no way everyone could've heard her. Could've they?

It happened more and more often, a lot of the time it happened in class. She made friends from it as people were fascinated, she also made a few enemies as they didn't like her superpower (if that's what you'd call it) and they were often mean to her because of it.

She didn't and still doesn't quite understand why this is the case. It's due to her inner monster. It made her go from a really dramatic and complicated person to a rather simple one; however her dramatic side wasn't completely lost and it's what made her emotions such obvious ones. She's not one for concealing her emotions and keeping them to herself and never has been. The simplistic obviousness of each different emotion rubbed off on everyone.

The people around her a lot noticed a small fact that even those who were utmost irritated found this to be true. Whatever she did, however badly she made everyone feel, no one could live without her. Why? This question is easily answered:

They grew in to having their emotions decided by her meaning that if she wasn't there, they'd be lost. They wouldn't know how to feel or what to do. They felt a sort of emptiness that would only occur when she wasn't in the room with them. Therefore despite some peoples opinions on it all might be confused and negative, they need her to set the mood.

People around her might be confused, but the most confused of all is herself. She didn't, doesn't and never will understand the zombie that infects every single person near her. She hosts the monster but she knows the least about it. The monster eats her from the inside and it shows on the outside, but she doesn't have a mirror that she can look at herself with so she can come to this realisation.

She's ever so clever. However, a knowledge of others is the complete opposite of knowing about herself.

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