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When Marley wakes up the next morning, Nero isn't there.

He frowns, looking around the completely dark room. It's 7 o'clock in the morning and the alarm is still going, but there is no glow—because yes, there is a very subtle glow off of Nero at all times—across the room that allows him to find his way to the light switch and turn it on. Which means Nero is missing.

Marley throws his legs over the side of the bed and stands up, wobbling a bit but finding his footing. He makes his way across the room with a bit of trouble and turns the light on.

Yup, Nero's gone. Huh.

Marley knows he should be happy that his asshole roommate is not here, but for some reason he feels strangely... on edge? No, that's not right. Empty? No, no, that's too intimate.

Odd. He feels odd.

Marley decides to go with his normal routine, heading to take a shower and getting dressed. Brushing his teeth and not even attempting to tame his hair, the usual. After he's done with that he starts making his way to his research group. He's not even halfway there and he's stopped by a hand wrapping firmly around his bicep and tugging a bit.

He turns his head and finds Eli staring at him with a narrowed look. Great, perfect way to start off his morning. Fantastic, he absolutely loves this girl.

"Where's Nero?" she asks, her naturally low voice already putting Marley on edge. Yeah, her and Nero definitely belong together.

"How should I know?" Marley responds, raising an eyebrow. Her gaze darkens, if that's even possible. It's not like Marley even said anything that rude. She probably just gets pissed off by the sound of his voice.

"I don't know, probably because you live with him." She bites out, and Marley has to try really hard not to roll his eyes. Don't get him wrong, he still has that adrenaline rush he gets every time he's being less than kind to someone. He can practically hear his heart in his ears every time he talks to someone like this. He decides to ignore it, and mostly succeeds.

"He was gone when I left, that's all I got."

She nods her head and disappears, letting go of his arm a bit rougher than necessary.

Surprisingly, Marley doesn't see Nero his entire research group period. Supervisor Hookler doesn't seem all that surprised, if a bit more smug than usual. Marley seriously hates it when he's exiting the room, walking with Lola, and identifies the twist in is gut as worry.

For Nero.

Could it have something to do with last night? Nero was stopped in the hallway by that one guy... whatever his name is. He seemed really suspicious of him, too. God, did Nero actually get sent to Director Olucard? If so then Marley can't help but feel a bit guilty, even though he's not sure what he's guilty of.

None of Marley's questions are answered when he gets to his classroom. In fact, he only has more when he spots Nero recilined in a chair in the corner, right next to the teacher lady (Mrs. Anderson, Marley thinks). He doesn't look as angry as usual, mostly just bored. That is, until his eyes land on Marley. Yeah, there's the scowl he's used to.

It's then that Marley remembers a punishment listed in the manual he'd read when he'd first arrived here. Something about having to help out in classrooms.

Wow, did that guy actually report Nero? What a tool.

Marley walks over to his usual spot, grabbing his papers and books and taking his seat. Lola doesn't show up for some reason. It stresses Marley out a bit, but he decides not to dwell on it and moves on to focus on his stuff. Sadly, it's a lot of world history and math. Marley opens up his book and finds that all he has to do is a guided reading activity.

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