9. Liar

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"Get the hell away from me!"


"I can't believe you!"

"Just go........"

Kenzie and Johnny were dating for a year until Johnny got a scholarship to one of the best musical schools in the world. He made a brave choice not to tell Mackenzie since it'll break her heart.

He tried to spend every second of the day with her, but four months later she found out the truth.

She couldn't keep the tears in for long, and the anger in her grew times a thousand each second they fought.

Johnny stormed away and yet Mackenzie has no idea what she did then, and how much it effected him.

Turns out, he said no to the scholarship yet they were fighting so much he never got to say a word about it.

Who knows when they will be able to see each other again?

Well, seven and a half years later each so miserable. Johnny met a girl named Katlyn and she left him after a one nightstand. 9 months later twin babies appeared on his doorstep.

A adult with it. "Are you Johnny Orlando?" The woman asked.

"Yes." He answered.

The woman gave him the twins. "Their names are Lucia and Michel. Their mother was Katlyn Herman. She told us you were their father and where you lived. Sadly, she passed after giving birth. Here is everything you'll need. Also, while she was in labor, she wrote you a note, just Incase the worse happened.

The worker let in more people who cleaned up his entire house and added things he'd need.

Once they all left, Johnny faces the two twins who were sleeping soundly in their separate cribs.

He couldn't believe it. He read the note.

Dear Johnny,

I know I left that morning but I want you to know that when you're reading this, the twins will be yours. Please raise them, I know with my conditions in the past there is a very high chance of me surviving the c-section

Lucia was my middle name, my mother's name, and my grandmother's middle name. It runs in my family, please remember that.

Michel was my father's name. He passed when I was 10. Not a family name that has been passed down for generations, but I want our son to know he was named after a Vietnam veteran, a hard worker, and the best friend anyone could've asked for.

There are two more letters for the twins stashed in the diaper bag for you to give them when they turn 18. I know this is sudden but I was forced to keep my pregnancy a secret. It is all explained in my diaries.

Just promise me you'll look after them, be there for them. I made sure to remember your name, your address just Incase this would happen.

I never will get to see my children since you're reading this, but, one day I want you to take them to Blueberry Farmersville in Idaho. It's my home and I'd like them to visit.

Please remind my children I loved them, even if I never got to see them. Thank you Johnny.

Tears fell from his eyes as he read the note. He was living in Miami and didn't think any problems could be here. Yet he was wrong.

One year later

Johnny was raising the twins perfectly until a call from Lauren. He hadn't said anything to anyone about the kids since he thought it wasn't a big deal. Oh how he was wrong.

"Hey Laur. What's up?" He said in a calm and cool voice as he fed Lucia.


It took about a year for Lauren to convince Johnny to move back and he wouldn't budge until, finally.

"Come on Lucia, lets get your shoes on." He told his daughter and she ran to her shoes. He helped her put on her shoes and then helped Michel.

Everything was packed up and already on its way over there. He grabbed the few luggage's and twin stroller that held the twins. A diaper bag and snacks.

He drove to the airport and was glad he had the twins asleep. The twins shared a seat while Johnny sat in the other. Half of the time Lucia was sleeping in his lap while Michel was watching Mickey Mouse, and vise versa.

When they landed, both twins passed out from the journey. That's when he saw Lauren, who he hasn't seen in years, run up to them and gave them a hug.

Lauren was now in Law School and looked so professional. Her hair was down and straight like before, but her faced was so much the same as it was different.

Lauren has two car seats installed for the twins when she finally convinced him.

It was 9 pm there and the time difference was terrible, especially for the twins. Lauren and Johnny caught up and before they knew it, it was 5 am and the twins were crying.

Johnny went to get them when he saw his mother already there. "Mom," he chuckled "you don't have to help me. I've been doing this for two years already. It's fine." Johnny finished.

"And who's fault was that? Now, I've been away from my grand babies for years already, not another second." Mer said.

"Mom, it's fine. We have a routine and I don't like changes. It breaks all of us, especially the twins when they aren't used to it." Johnny said then went on with his routine.

He got down and made each twin their bottle while Lauren and Maddie Orlando played with the babies. He fed each of them as he talked with his sisters.

Darian came shortly after breakfast and her and Maddie took the twins on a stroll.

"Also, I might've forgot to mention that my best friend is coming over-"

"You said that already Lauren." Johnny chuckled.

"But, it is-" she was interrupted by the bell.

"I'll get it."

"No. Don't. I'll get it." Lauren quickly said then rushed to the door where they heard a slightly auto able enough muffle.

"Lolo? Hello? I can hear you." Gosh, great timing Kenz- I mean, lets just get back to the story.

Johnny shook his head to Lauren. Lauren promised Johnny she wouldn't talk to Kenzie anymore when that fight happened. Kenzie ruined his chance of having a career.

"I'm outta here." Johnny said then ran upstairs and started to pack with frustration.

He was finished when Maddie and Darian cam home. "Johnny? Where are you going?" Maddie asked.

"I'm leaving. I'll stay in a hotel until I find an apartment." He said then literally ran out of that house and into the taxi with the twins and their stuff.

Little did he know Kenzie and many others were watching from across the street.


Damn, it's been a hot minute since I wrote this. Well, this will be a very short story but I'm trying to add things to make you like it more and me to be more excited to write this story. Tho I am very busy.

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