Chapter 5

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Trigger warning : mentions of abuse in this story . If you're not comfortable with that skip this chapter or the part where it is mentioned. Read at own will.
I will have placeings where it starts and ends .

Toni's POV

I wake up from the faint  sunlight  hitting my face . I look down and see Cheryl , she has her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist and legs tangled up against mine. She looks so peaceful . I start to play with her beautiful hair. I look down at her and I can't help but smile. She's so beautiful, she has the faintest snore but I can hear it. I move her hair from her face Because  you can tell she doesn't like it cause when it falls on her , her nose scrunched up and it's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. “Damn blossom , you really know how to get a girl in her feels.” I think to myself. It's true though , ever since I've met her I can't stop thinking about her. And when we kissed for the first time, Oh I know for a fact that I have never felt that way towards anyone. When I'm with her , I get this feeling that I never want to hurt her and I want to protect her, and if anyone ever hurt her , I don't know what I'll do. I've never felt this way about anyone, she was the first person I've ever opened up to about my past and the first person I've ever shown my favorite place to. Out of all my past relationships and crushes , she is the only one I have cared as much as I care about her. Just the thought of her drives me crazy. ... I get put out of my thoughts when I feel her squirm around in my arms , I think she's having a nightmare , she keeps saying "no"   "no" "you can't do that"  "stop" she keeps screaming "STOP!" I try to shake her awake "Cheryl" I shake her but she just keeps squirming "CHERYL wake up " I shake her a little bit harder. She wakes up . "Hey... Hey... Cher it's okay , no one's trying to hurt you . It's just me and you in here . " I tell her and rub her back while she cries. She keeps trying to stop but she can't "It's okay cher , no one's gonna get you" I look at her "I'm right here" she looks at me and it kills me to see the tears falling from her face. She stares at me for a few minutes and I hold her against me , and she starts to calms down . "I'm sorry Toni , I didn't mean to scare you" she says wiping the tears away . "It's alright , do you want to talk about it?" I ask.  {Trigger warning aplys here }. "It wasn't a nightmare ... It was a memory . When I was younger my mother used to hit me and as I got older it just got worse . My brother and father died in a car crash 2 years ago. She lost it , she had no mercy on me. I tried to comfort her because she had lost her son and husband as I , my brother and father . She yelled at me , telling me that it should have been me that died not them. That night I defended my self to her and we started arguing and she started hitting me . The hits turned into full on  beating me. She beat me so bad , she gave me a concussion and a fractured rib . I still get nightmares about that night every now and then. Actually the day I met you she had slapped me before school , that's one of the reasons why I was a bitch when we met. I'm so sorry you had to see me like that and like this." She looks down and  I saw a tear fall down her cheek . I put my hand on her cheek and wipe away the tear with my thumb .  ( Sorta end of TW ,caution) "Don't apologise for something you can't control. I'm sorry for what she did and still does to you, but I'm kinda glad you were a bitch to me the first day we met because that's what got my attention . I never want to hurt you Cheryl and I will never let anyone else hurt you as long as I can help it. Okay" (end of TW ) I  pull her into a hug. We stay like this for a while , then she got up and head to the bathroom without saying a word. She comes back about 3 minutes later and gets back into bed with me and she kisses me , I kiss back immediately . I love the way her lips feel on mine. She moves her head and deepens the kiss . She takes the chance and puts her tongue in my mouth and I let her explore my mouth then , our tongues fight for dominance in each other's mouth . I win. She moves her head and she pulls me closer to her . Next thing I know , she's on top of me. I have my hands riding up her shirt as hers are on mine. We continue to make out until we have to break for air but when we stop we just look at each other. She blushes as she get of my lap on to the bed and just sit there with a smirk on her face. "Feel free to do that any time you want"  I say with a smirk on my face , her smile turns into a grin "trust me I will" we just lay there for a while then she says "want to watch TV ?"  "Sure" I grab the remote and lay back down . She lays her head on my chest and I put my arm around her and hold her tight. As we lay like this for a while we watch TV  and I can't help but think  what are we? Are we just friends? But friends don't make out like that?  Could we be more ?

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