Chapter 13 *last chapter*

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Cheryl's POV
Me and Toni have been together for the past 7 years.. well 6 about to be 7. We both made it through high school and college. We actually got into the same college so that was good. I studied to be a teacher and now I'm training to be one. Toni studied in fine arts and got a job at the local art studio. Toni and I have been strong and yes we have our moments but we always make up. Our anniversary is tomorrow and she always goes all out every year and I'm excited to see what she has store for this one. I love her so much and it feels like every second I spend with her my love increases.
Toni's POV
Today is Cheryl and I's anniversary. Wow 7 years. A lot has happened since high school. We've moved in together, we both graduated high school and college, right now she's training to be a teacher and I work at an art studio. Everything has been amazing . Every year I go all out with the anniversary stuff because I love her so much and this year I'm finally going to do the thing I've wanted to do since the first time we kissed. I have a lot to do but I have to go to work so I'll do it after.
_______ *later*_______
I got off my shift and started getting ready for her surprise. Then I have an idea so I text Cheryl and ask her how long she will be before she comes home. She texts back and says she's at the gym and will be out in about 3 hours. So I run to my closet and grab something I haven't seen in years and put it in a box and then I put something else in a different box and wrap them both. The smaller one is for later though. I go over to her gym and put the boxes in her locker and leave. By the time I get home I notice I only have an hour until she's supposed to be home so I decide to get ready and wait....
Cheryl's POV
I get out of my work out and I get dressed but then I notice two boxes, one says "open when seen" and the other says "open later". I open the box that says to be. As I open it I notice what it is. It's...the jacket she wore to our first date 7years ago . The jacket says "wear me please." I put it on in wow because I didn't even know she still had this jacket. I head home and see Toni standing outside with her motorcycle that she hasn't ridden in years. I get off my car and smile as she walks over to me. "Hey gorgeous" she tells me as she kisses my cheek. "Hey my love, what are you doing with old deathtrap over there" I say referring to her motorcycle. "It's part of your surprise, don't worry I got it checked out last week it's perfectly safe." She says and I smile. "I didn't even know you still had this old jacket." I say as she leans in and holds me. "I hope you like it... I love you cher." She says as she kisses me. "I love you too so so much." I say and give her a hug. Just this would be enough for me but I'm going to let her spoil me. "You ready?" She says as we get on her bike and I nod. We take off and I close my eyes as I hold on to her. I remember the first time I rode with her on this bike. I remember how the wind went through my hair, how scared I was of my mother , how I wasn't afraid of Toni and I remember all the events of that evening. I smile. After about 30 minutes we stop at a place in the woods. This looks oddly familiar. She grabs my hand and leads me through trees and bushes to a lit area near the river. I look over to the the fire. I start to tear up. This was where we came after pop's.
"This is our spot, the first place we kissed, what are we doing here babe?" I said as she moves over to the water. " It's your surprise, we haven't been here I years and I wanted to bring you to the play where I fell in love with you." Her words made me smile. I moved over to where she was and kissed her. She plays music on a mini speaker and we lay out a towel on the shore. We lay there while the sun goes down and I stay there. She gets up and holds out her hand and gets me to dance with her. We dance for a little while. "I think now is the time to open the other present." I take out the box she gave me and start to open it.
Toni's POV
As she opens the box I move over so I'm behind her. I bend down and take something out of a pocket of mine and hold it up. She finally opens the box....
Cheryl's POV
I open the box and see there is a note in there, I hold it up and read it. It says "turn around my love" I look confused but I turn around anyways. I see Toni on ONE knee! She is holding a ring! I move my hands to my mouth and start to hold back tears. "Cheryl M. Blossom, I have loved you from the first time I laid my eyes on you I just didn't know it. We have been through hell and back together but we have done it together! I was thinking on what I was going to say when I did this and I was stumped but then I realized that it was to you not something else so I decided that whatever the hell comes out of my mouth is going to be true." She says and I chuckled while sheding a few tears. "This is the first place we kissed and also the first time I realized I was in love with you and I would never do anything to hurt you and sure as hell let anyone else hurt you. I may not be the easiest person to love but I'm grateful you have never stopped loving me even when I made some really poor choices in words and actions. You have been my rock since day one and I want you to be mine for as long as we can breathe on this Earth. So... Cheryl will you marry me?" She says on the verge of tears and I lose control and I don't even realize I'm crying. I look at her and smile. "Y-y-y-YESS, yes Toni I'll marry you, of course I'll marry you!!!" I say and I slide down to my knees and kiss her hard. She slides the ring on my finger and I smile. The rest of the night was magical and let's just leave it at that.
Cheryl's POV
Toni and I have been married for the past three years. So much has changed since then. I'm pregnant with our first now! Toni is so excited to be a mother and obviously their twins . I'm so excited for us and I ready for them to come out already so I can show them the love I didn't have until I met the love of my life . *Two years later*
I had the twins and they are little angels. The girls name is Jade Melody Blossom-Topaz and our son is named Jaycob Michel Blossom- Topaz .
They are healthy and happy. Toni and I couldn't be more happier. Toni once told me she would do anything to make me happy and she has. I love her and she loves me. We both love our children. We give them the lives we weren't given and we couldn't be more greatfull. It's kinda funny, a few years ago we hated each other then we fell in love with one another and over Conquered our obstacles together and we will always do them together. We have a love stronger than anything I've ever seen and once I ask her how she was so sure of her love and she told me "because I know."

A/n : hey lovelies this was the last chapter of this book and I hope you enjoyed this and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating but I have been extremely busy with school and I want you to know I'm sad this is ending but I may or may not right or books. I have a poetry one that gets updated whenever. I hope you have enjoyed this book and thank you for for reading and caring about this book. I know I won't have another update on this book but hopefully see you Next update...

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