Chapter 9

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Cheryl's POV
I wake up and noticed that I'm being held by Toni on the couch. I try to get up but my body hurts to move . I remember the evening before and realized why it hurts to move. Toni stirs away. "Hey beautiful, are you alright?" She asks me and I say nothing and shake my head no. "Baby? Are you okay?" She says with more concern in her voice. She moves so she can face me and I hiss at the pain of movement. "Oh baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."she said. "It's fine, I'm just sore." I say and she gives me a small smile. "Are you okay? Cheryl you can talk to me, please talk to me" she tells me and I can't help but cry. she gently pulls me closer and I cry into her chest. She strokes my hair as I continue to cry. "I'm sorry" I say . "Don't be sorry cher it's not your fault" she tells me. "I didn't want you to see me like this, I didn't know Betty was going to tell you" I said and she looked at me. "I know, but I'm glad she did." She said. "So am I, I'm sorry I didn't call you... I didn't want you to see me like this, I mean look at me I'm a total mess. Both physically and mentally. You shouldn't have to see this." I tell her still crying but trying to stop. "Baby, I don't care weather your a mess or completely okay, I will always care and want to see you." She says and I fight back the tears. "What day is it?" I ask . "Tuesday, you slept all of Monday" she told me. "Oh my God, I have until Friday to get out of here." She looks confused. "What do you mean?" She asks. "My mother kicked me out of the house. I have no where to go Toni" I say and she looks at me. "Yes you do, you can stay with me at my trailer. I mean you're there most of the time anyways so why not stay with me." She says. "I don't want to be a bother." I say. She kisses me. When she kissed me it was like I didn't have to worry about anything it felt so safe. "You will never be a bother." She says and I kiss her. "I love you". I say. "I love you too cher". After about 30 minutes I feel a little more strength then before so I try to get up and Toni helps me. I walk around getting my valuables and necessities. I don't have that many things I care about or at least don't really care if they get thrown away so that's good. I make sure to grab my laptop, my favorite books, chargers, my makeup bag, my jewelry , and my clothes. I managed to fit all of that into one big suitcase and a bag. It was easy to Cary around so it wasn't a bother. Toni just brought her bike and there was no way I was going to fit my suitcase on her bike so she called sweet pea to come and pick it up after school and head back to the trailer park. Sweet pea is coming by after school. School ends at 4:05 , it's 3:20. He'll be heading over here in about 55 minutes Because 8th period just started and it takes a few minutes to get from the school to my house. Me and Toni are just sitting in my living room watching TV waiting for it to be time to get the hell of of this house. I told her everything that I didn't tell her already about the evening before. "I'm so sorry if i worries you." I said and shed a few years but Toni wiped them away with her thumb. "Don't be sorry baby, I'll always worry about you. It's how i show I care. Don't work baby it'll all be alright." She says . "How do you know?" I ask. "I promised you , I wouldn't let you get hurt and i plan on keeping that promise. I love you more than you know Cheryl." She says easy like it wasn't even hard to get out of her mouth. "I love you so much Toni." I kiss her and we stay like that until Sweet pea comes knocking.
I get my stuff and put my suitcase in his truck and get on the back of Toni's motorcycle. We drive for a while and when we finally get to her trailer i feel so safe. She opens the door and Sweet pea hands me my suitcase and leaves. "Welcome home baby" Toni says as i set my stuff down.

Toni's POV
I look in bed with Cheryl asleep on my chest. She looks so peaceful. I'm so glad she's safe. I know she's safe because she's with me.  I end up falling asleep too. I stir awake from Cheryl moving around in my arms screaming. "STOPPPPP MOTHER!"
"PLEASE STOPPPPP!" "YOUR HURTING ME!" she's having a nightmare.
"BABY it's okay it's just me." I shake her and she wakes up and cries into my chest. I hold her and rub circles on her back. She gets up and seems frantic. "Baby? What's wrong?" She starts to Pace. "Baby calm down" i get up and go to her and notice that she's hyperventilating. "Baby breathe" she keeps having trouble breathing. I grab her and hold her close to me. "Baby just follow the forms of my breaths" she starts to calm down. "Baby are you okay, it's okay it's just a panic attack." She shakes and I set her down on the bed and wrap her up in the comforter  . She hugs me tight. "Don't leave me... Please.." she says sadly. "Of course not Cher I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere." I say and she leans up and kisses me. I pull away knowing she's fragile. "Baby" I say and she looks at me. "Toni, kiss me please it's soothing. Please baby" she says and I look confused but kiss her anyways. I can feel her melt down and calm down within the kiss. She pulls away and just hugs me and let's me hold her.  "Baby I swear your mother will pay for making you hurt this much. Okay." I say and she nods. "What are you going to do?" She asks me still holding onto me as if she was holding on for dear life. "What do you want me to do?" I say. "I don't care, just make her hurt as much as I am. I'm so tired of her not getting what she deserves." She says. "Don't worry, I will. She'll get exactly what she deserves." I say and I hold her. "Don't worry Baby she'll get what she deserves and Everything is going to be alright." I say. "How do you know?" She asks.
"Because I Know."... "I know exactly what I feel for you and I'm not going to let it go without a fight baby. I love you Cheryl Marjorie Blossom" I say.
"I love you too, Antoinette Topaz."

A/n hey lovelies I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it's short but I tried to make it to the point. Merry Christmas and whatever else you may celebrate. See you next update.

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