Chapter 3

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<Alex's POV>

After a long dipped in the pool, I came up and sat on the dry
land. Placing my tail on the ground, I waited for it to dry and transform back
to my legs. While I was waiting, I decided to take a nap to kill some time as
there is time before my next activity. Laying my head down on the soft grass, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Come here little one!" Tyler came up to me and grabbed me and pulled me out of the stable. Ever since I arrived at Titan Based Camp, my life was practically a shithole. I'm turning 8 this year, I have been in the camp for about 1 year now. I stay in the horse stable with Rainbow where we were locked in every night. My daily routine was simple, in the morning where Tyler would wake me up and ensure I changed. He then brought me to breakfast and then he would train me, and it will go on till lunch before he would drag me to eat lunch. He would always be watching me like I was a prey in his eyes. After Lunch, he would send me to Lord's Slayer's place and leave me there till nightfall before picking me up and sending me back to my place. Time spent in Slayer's place was hell. It was always cleaning and being touched by him. There were so many times he would get mad at me and would hit me. He would grab me and try to touch me which always lead me to scream.

Tyler led me to Slayer's place and push me inside where I walked alone to Slayer's room. The walls were always painted black and the place gives me the chills. Slayer, as usual, was sitting on his bed. Gotten used to the routine, I walked in and looked down and waited for him to signal me to walk to him. Once he signaled, I stood in front of him and pull the top of my sleeves down exposing my shoulder. There were marks there from the numerous time he had bitten me over and over again. He stood up with bloodshot eyes before diving right into my flesh. I held in the yelp as I knew he hated it when I made a sound. He started to drink and I was feeling myself getting light-headed as soon as he was done, he lay me on the bed. I struggled and let out a scream


Waking up with a sweat as I jolted up, my breathing was heavy and I felt as if I was drowning. "It a dream.... It just a dream" I told myself but I know better, these do not dream but rather the past I don't want to face. Sitting up, I realized I had already transformed back and I decided to stand up. I staggered a little as I lifted myself off the ground and I went back to the camp. As I enter the camp, Aiden came up to me and looked at me. "Are you okay? You looking quite pale." I smiled and nodded. He didn't believe my lie but he took it anyway. "Sofia and Krystal are looking for you, they having a lot of issue with the younger camps." I smiled and kissed him, "I'm fine, don't worry, talk to you later. " I headed into the blue cabin where all our young camper is hanging around studying in the day. It was a daycare. The camper in charge was not feeling well hence Krystal and Sofia were asked to fill in the role. When I enter the room what I saw was unbelievably funny.

I kept giggling and giggling as I helped Sofia and Krystal clean up the mess. I had just placed the young ones into their nap. "Quit it! ALEX!" Krystal roared as we cleaned up. I smiled lightly at her. "We will not talk about it and no one is to know!" Krystal said glaring at me, "fine... Fine... I won't let a peep" I said giggling as I finished up and went to grab some food. Before I could even grab a food, Aiden came behind me and wrapped me and hugged me. "How's everything?" Aiden asked as he held me close. I smile and lean into his grasp. " Hungry," I said before having Aiden to usher me not sit down going into the kitchen to ask Joe, the camp's chef to make food for me. I sat there thinking to myself, there so many things that I had locked away. Thinking in that moment of silence I wondered to myself. What for am I here. The reason why the war which about to rage is because of me.... Why did it have to be me? "Your food!" Aiden anther cutting into my thoughts. I smiled at him making sure he doesn't see that state that I was. I tucked into my food, "damn Joe is the best!" I exclaimed as the moment it entered my mouth it turns it to a flavourful burst. I smiled savoring the taste of the food. Meanwhile, Aiden had placed himself beside me smiling and having a little fun by playing my hair. After I was done with the meal, Aiden and I were about to go back to our tent, Sofia came and practically snatched me away. She grabbed on to my arm and begged Aiden to let me follow her as the children are away and she needed my help to bring them to the lake. After a whole long debate with Aiden, she just grabbed my hand and ran off dragging me behind.

We walked to the lake to see Krystal and kids running around the lake while Sofia and I sat down at the edge of the lake. Their laughter brought me some memories and I was at the brink of tears again. " Alex?" Sofia called me and smiled lightly at her, "just thinking, memories you know ... Dimitri, June and I used to sneak out so often ... I even went to find mom and dad was always pissed at us. " I mumbled. It was back to the days where I was recognized as a Godling in training but it went down the drain I guess. I lost my family and with Slayer and Tyler on my tail, looking for the sword to destroy the Gods. Sometimes I wonder who is good and who is bad.

Fear, it is always there isn't it, It never seems to leave me alone. I wonder if I am ever good enough, Why am I here? I am scared of everything. I am scared of going back, I am scared of being captured. I'm scared I'm not good enough, I'm scared of everyone being injured.... IM WEAK, that's what I am, Weak. I stood up and left the place in silence, I am not good enough for anyone. I walked to a cave not far from the campsite. It was behind the waterfall, away from everyone. I found it years ago and I made it my second home.

Time flew by and soon it was dark out. I hear howling as i hear wolves searching for me. I shook my head, these folks always end up making use of the werewolves we have and having them to use them to find stuff. It was common as we help the rejects and wounded. We helped rogues that are abandon and wanted a new start in life. We welcome all creatures of the magical world. I quickly got up and started walking out from the hiding spot and headed back to camp. While walking the wolves found me heading back and decided to walked around me to keep me safe. I giggled at the sight of the camp. The leaders of the camp was running settling the kids and everyone while my anxious mate started to panic. On sight of seeing me, everyone was at eased once more and the hussle and bussle of the panic and tense eased up. I smiled at my family, The camp was my family, the family i built.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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