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couldn't breath everything was happening so fast. looked down at the pavement below me, trying not to trip. could feel my legs wiggling wanting to give out as ran. looked behind me feeling my hair whip as did. All saw was blur...

I blinked my eyes open... where am I? I sat up while looking around. I was on a bed that was so comfortable, I wanted to sleep in all over again even though it didn't cover up my aches and pains in my back and neck. The walls were tan, with old looking paintings on them. The paintings were all of some lady, but they were also so blurred, I couldn't make out her features. The only thing clear about the paintings were curtain aspects of her face, like in one of them her lips were clear, but in another one of her eyes were clear... weird. I stopped looking at the paintings that made my eyes hurt, and looked at the antique vases and dressers. Was I in some grandmother's house? If so where is my red cloak?

The only thing I remember was running away from something, but what? I felt the pain everywhere. I winced and put my hand to the back of my head, and then slid it to the side of my neck. My neck felt sticky and there was dry crackyness ... I then looked at my hand. My heart began to race instantly. It was my blood.

"I need to get out of here." I demanded myself. My eyes went to the window, it was big enough to fix me, plus five more. I tip-toed to it, and looked out the window. It was a sunny day outside, clouds were everywhere, but what was more compelling to look at was the greenness of the trees and grass, and other plants, it was ... too green... like it had been raining for weeks. Yet, I don't remember rain. I looked down at the outside ground. It seemed to be at least four floors up. can't jump that...

I contemplated going through the door, but there had to be someone up and walking the hallways... I would have to sneak out.

I sucked in a deep breath, "I can do this.", I whispered to myself. I quickly looked around in the dressers, and vases, under pillows, or under the bed for a weapon of some sort, but there was nothing. I noticed the bathroom door was open ... why didn't notice that before? I walked silently inside, and the first thing I noticed was that there was no mirror. What kind of a person doesn't have a mirror in they're bathroom?

Then I searched the cabinets and all that was in all of them was dust and old spider webs... that's it. I checked the shower for maybe a razor, but still no luck. Man , am I having a bad day...

I went back into the room, feeling hopeless, but I wasn't going to give up and let who ever they are have me. I grabbed a vase thinking this is my only weapon, then I slowly went to the door and opened it slightly to poke my head out. The carpet was red, and the walls were white with the same paintings but of a different woman. Why were they everywhere?

The good thing was that the coast was clear, the bad thing was that I could hear people talking in another room. I sucked in an unnecessary breath, and then walked slowly out into the hallway gripping the vase. I walked slowly trying not to created any noises as I walked.

"Do you know if Anne's awake?", asked a voice through the door beside me. They were talking about me. There seemed to be at least ten doors down this hallway. I kept walking, but I still heard them.

"I don't know, I haven't checked in awhile, but I'm sure she's still sleeping." another male said.

"Man, if Mason finds she's gone he'll kill you."

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