Natsu Dragneel

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Sorry it was suck a short chapter! c: This one will be longer! :3 Please comment what you think so far? ^-^ Feel free to comment some ideas for the story too! cx


I'll always try to update the story everyday, I just love writing! If you guys could give me some tips on how to become a better writer I'd deeply appreciate it! Thanks, happy reading!

Lucy's POV //continued:

"You're alive." The man spoke coldly, i watched as he turned on a switch, causing the once nearly-dark room to be filled with light. I rubbed my hazel eyes and blinked a couple times to get used to the light. And, to get a good look at the tall male standing before me, he had pink spiky hair each bit of his hair going in a different directions. On his neck was a scar that sent shivers down my back. He wore a gray v-line shirt, and dark blue jeans. His handsome face seemed to be filled with hate, he didn't seem like a very nice guy. He seemed to he around my age, maybe older.

'Who Is this man?' i thought again.

The pink-haired man approached me slowly, i focused on the sound of his shoes tapping against the floor as he got closer. He then stopped in front of me, I felt uncomfortable and quickly looked down - I was scared. I could feel his eyes on me, should i look this man in the eyes?

"Look at me." He growled. I instantly froze, his voice was deep, filled with hate.

The man crouched down so he was at my height, i felt my hands shiver as i felt his cold breathe near my face. Suddenly, he grabbed my chin roughly and pointed it up so i was looking him in the eyes.

"When I say something. You listen." he spat.

All I could manage to do was give a small nod, i was shaking in fear. His piercing black eyes seemed to see right through me.

He let go of my chin and stood up, "I'm Natsu. Natsu Dragneel, and you are my slave." He said simply.

'Did he already know my name?' I thought.

I decided to say my name, but nothing came out. Nearly a whisper that I couldn't even hear. My voice was lost, probably since i haven't had anything to drink in a week. Not to mention eat.

Natsu noticed my lousy effort to speak, and gave a wicked grin. "I forgot you existed. I only realized I had somebody locked down here yesterday." He laughed coldly. 

From that moment on, I instantly hated him, he reminded me of my father. Cold and cruel.

His words kept playing in my head.

'He knew I existed yesterday but didn't bring me food or water? NOT EVEN SAY HELLO?' I thought. My fear was quickly replaced with anger. I felt like steam was coming from my body, he's clearly a heartless bitch.

I huffed out a puff of breath, making sure he knew I was mad.

He only smiled.

Did my angry, helpless self, please him?

I felt his eyes on me again, I couldn't help but wonder what he's thinking.

About 10 minutes past, he was still staring at me.

'He's creepy...' Was all I could think.

"What's your name?" He plainly questioned.

His sudden words make me jump slightly. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. My dry throat is sore just from trying. 

I try to speak again, this time I put in more effort:

"L-Lucy" I whispered, I was hoping he didn't hear me. But I saw him give a small nod.

He then reached into his jean pocket and  pulled out a small silver key, he quickly unlocked the chains around my ankle without saying a word, he sighed.  "Now get up."

I did as he said, but as soon an I stood my legs gave in and let me fall to the cold solid floor. I had no strength.

"Pathetic." he whispered lowly.

Natsu picked me up, bridal-style and carried me out the door.  I felt my eyes begin to close, and then i felt myself drift off to sleep, in his arms.

How stupid can I get?

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