Chapter 14: Closer Than Ever

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Something about the fortress made Jesse feel anxious and uneasy. It was way too quiet for her liking, not even a single Wither Skeleton in sight.

Petra had explained that it was because they weren't in the section of the fortress that held all the various spawners, but in the looting rooms. Jesse was confused, not having even known that there were two sections to a Nether Fortress!

"Still, even if we're in the less dangerous side of it, I'm with Jesse on this." Lukas said. "This is way too quiet for comfort."

"Glad we can agree on that." Jesse muttered, looking around at all the different hallways, praying that she was sticking to the right path.

Suddenly she heard a strange sound, almost like a hollow crackling of flames. The noise was unfamiliar to Jesse.

"That's a blaze." Petra said, slightly lifting her head and glancing around. "Keep an eye out for it Jesse, they have a very big shooting range-"

Her words were all of a sudden proved, when a small row of flaming balls came right at Jesse from one of the many hallways. Letting out a surprised yelp, Jesse ducked, the fireballs all flying over her head and crashing into the wall. Jesse turned her head to see the blaze in one of the hallways opposite her, small, burning sparks surrounding him.

"Can you handle him on your own, Jesse?" Lukas asked in concern as he stepped back out of the blaze's view, protectively tightening his grip on Petra.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Jesse replied, not taking her eyes off the blaze. "Keep her out of it's sight."

"You don't have to talk about me like I'm not here." Petra muttered bluntly.

Ducking to avoid another attack from the blaze, Jesse started running towards it, her sword raised. The blaze let out another one of it's hollow crackling sounds, getting ready to fire at Jesse, when she leaped up and brought her blade down on it.

The blow surprisingly wasn't enough to kill it, only knocking it back. The blaze's flaming eyes narrowed at Jesse, watching as she prepared her sword for another attack.

However, just as Jesse was about to charge at it, she suddenly felt an unnatural wave of heat, almost like somebody lit a bonfire right in front of her face. The blaze's entire body ignited in flames, causing Jesse to take a surprised step back. Of course, she had never fought a blaze before.

"Jesse!" Lukas called out. "What's happening over there? Are you OK?"

The blaze suddenly launched another series of fireballs at Jesse, which she only just avoided by somersaulting to he side.

"You two get out of there! I'll be right behind you!" She called back, wanting her friends out of danger as soon as possible.

Lukas hesitated, not wanting to leave Jesse to fight on her own. But he had Petra, fighting wouldn't be an option.

Another hollow crackled of flames sounded out, followed by a clang of a sword against blaze rods. Lukas took this as his chance, breaking into a run while protectively clutching Petra.

One final hit, and the blaze broke apart into nothing but a few glowing rods. Jesse gasped slightly, switching her sword to her other hand. The direct hits to the fiery blaze rods had properly heated up the weapon all the way to the helm.

Jesse glanced around, hearing another crackling of flames as a second blaze emerged, floating right into her path and blocking her in.

Jesse charged forward with a fierce battle cry, slamming her sword into the blaze. It began crackling and hissing, flames igniting on it's rods.

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