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December 17th, 1984

Yoongi sat at the bar on the uncomfortable stool as he leaned over his shot glass that was brimming with alcohol.

The bar was practically empty.

He heard loud laughter from the other end of the bar and spotted someone so full of life and questioned whether he could possibly be like that one day.

The other man glanced over to yoongi and licked his lips before smiling.

Yoongi pathetically smiled back and waved.

The other man looked back over to his friends and continued to talk with them.

God damn it Yoongi yet another thing you screwed up.

He called the bartender over.

"Can I have another?"

The bartender simply nodded before pouring him another shot.

"Bye guys, see you on Monday" Yoongi heard a cheery voice say.

Once he turned his head he saw the attractive man once again.

The man waved at his friends as they exited the building.

This is your chance Yoongi he thought to himself.

He got up from his stool and strode over to the attractive man.

The man looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"Hi I'm Yoongi" Yoongi spoke as he held out his hand.

"I'm Jimin" the man spoke and took Yoongi's hand.

"Well what are you drinking Jimin?" He asked.

"Whatever you want to buy me" jimin answered.

Yoongi shifted his feet as he stood there and without even looking up from Jimin's eyes he called out to the bartender "Two shots of bourbon please".

In a few seconds the drinks were placed in front of them.

"Keep them coming" Yoongi spoke.

They both took the small glasses into their hands.

Jimin raised his eyebrow before they both downed the drink.

Jimin made a sour face and let out a breath as he finished it.

Yoongi was used to the liquor that ran down his throat.

The shots kept coming.

They kept talking.

Round after round.

Jimin had started to get all giggly while Yoongi was just getting started.

Yoongi payed the bartender and tipped him as he stopped the rounds.

"Come on let's get you home" Yoongi told Jimin.

Jimin just nodded as Yoongi helped him up.

They walked out of the door with Jimin's arm placed around Yoongi to help him walk correctly.

"Did you walk here?" Yoongi asked as he only spotted one other car in the parking lot along with his which he recognized as the bartenders.

Jimin groaned in response and shook his head.

Yoongi didn't respond and just walked over to his car with Jimin.

He opened the passenger side and guided Jimin into the seat.

Once Jimin sat down Yoongi leaned over and buckled him.

Jimin looked up and admired yoongi's face.

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