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December 20th, 1987

Yoongi came back to jimin only days after the arguement which took place over a year ago.

And still Yoongi and not been able to say the three words that he knew jimin was waiting for.

Somehow it was still seared into their minds.

Jimin suddenly hopped off of the warm couch and spoke excitedly "Lets make cookies".

Yoongi jumped off of the furniture and followed jimin to the kitchen.

Jimin grabbed the ingredients and started measuring the stuff out while yoongi watched his cute concentrated face.

Jimin began mixing everything together and rolled the cookies into balls of dough before setting them on a cookie sheet and popping them into the oven.

He let out a puff of breath before turning to yoongi.

"What was the point of making cookies if you weren't gonna help me" He said jokingly.

All yoongi did was throw his hands up and froze.

"Hey, don't look at me" he spoke putting the emphasis on the word me.

Jimin just shook his head and laughed.

"Go sit down I'll clean this up angel face". Yoongi said.

Jimin blushed and smiled "Okay I guess" he spoke with embarrassment laced in his voice.

Yoongi put the dirty dishes in the sink and cleaned them.

He wiped down the counters that still had sugar and flour sprinkled on top of them.

By the time he was done cleaning the kitchen, the timer went off.

Without thinking he opened the oven and grabbed the cookie sheet.

With bare hands.

For some reason he still held onto the tray and didn't react to his burning hand until the sheet was on the counter.

"Fuck" he yelled out as the object clattered onto the hard surface.

He walked over to the sink and ran cold water over his hand.

A concerned jimin ran into the kitchen and saw yoongi muttering endless profanities under his breath.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked, the worrisome evident in his voice.

"I'm fine" he said as he stopped the water and pulled his hand away from the sink.

His hand was red and he could already see the blisters starting to form.

Jimin grabbed yoongi's arm and led him to the bathroom.

Yoongi didn't protest and instead willingly hopped onto the sink as he let jimin put ointment and a bandage on his hand.

"Be careful next time yoongi, I don't want you getting hurt" jimin spoke with a jokingly scolding voice.

Little did he know yoongi was already hurting.

But it wasn't necessarily physical.

In fact the burn on his hand distracted him from the mental and emotional pain.

It was actually a relief and somehow made him feel better.

"Okay angel" he said with a low chuckle.

Yoongi pecked jimin on the lips and they walked out of the bathroom together.

"Sit on the couch while I ice the sugar cookies, would you like some when I'm done?" Jimin questioned.

"Yes, thank you my jiminnie" yoongi answered.

Jimin grabbed blue and white icing from the shelf and went to work on the cookies.

He drew a white snowflake on one.

A blue heart on another.

MY + PJ on the biggest cookie.

Soon enough the cookies were all done and jimin brought them out on a white plate.

It seemed as though yoongi's face lit up at the sight of the snack.

He immediately reached in and grabbed the snowflake cookie.

"These are so good angel thank you" he complimented.

Jimin just blushed and proudly held up the cookie with their names on them.

He split the cookie into two separate pieces and handed Yoongi the piece with Jimin's name on it and ate the piece with Yoongi's name on it.

Yoongi stared at jimin with an extremely offended look on his face.

"What?" He questioned nervously.

There was a moment of awkward silence and jimin grew more nervous.

"Why did you eat me?" Yoongi questioned with the most serious look on his face.

Jimin burst out laughing as soon as the words left Yoongi's mouth.

Yoongi smiled at Jimin's beautiful laugh, it was like music to his ears.

They finished the cookies one by one as they watched a music special on t.v. and cuddled together on the couch.

Suddenly the door opened and closed, a chill of wind blew into the house.

Namjoon and Hoseok walked into the living room bundled up.

"Hey Jimin" Hoseoks happy voice spoke up and was soon followed by Namjoon's more calming voice say the same thing.

"Hey Guys" Jimin smiled as he got up and gave both Namjoon and Hoseok a hug that lasted about 12 seconds each.

Jimin walked back over to the couch and curled up next Yoongi once again.

"How's Jin?" Namjoon asked as he plopped down onto the couch along with Hoseok.

"He's good, he said that you should come by the cafe some time soon" Jimin responded.

"Will do" namjoon said with a big smile on his face and then turned his head to face the television.

Jimin smiled to himself before turning to face Yoongi.

"When do you think that they'll finally get together?" Jimin questioned while whispering.

"Hopefully soon, Jin makes Joon so happy, that's all I want for him, to be happy" Yoongi responded also whispering so that their conversation wouldn't be heard.

Hoseoks now calm voice interrupted the conversation.

"I'm hungry" he stated to which Namjoon responded with "same".

"Go make something then" Yoongi told them.

Both men groaned but got up anyway.

"And don't set the stove on fire this time" Yoongi half yelled and focused his gaze on Namjoon.

"It wasn't my fault" Namjoon said as he continues walking into the kitchen.

"Yea okay" Hoseok said out loud.

Namjoon turned to face Hoseok and immediately began to run at him.

As the two children ran around jimin turned his attention to yoongi's hand.

"How's your hand feeling baby?" He questioned.

Yoongi remembered how the pain actually felt calming compared to the pain inside.

To others the pain in his hand right now would have them either hurting terribly or crying but to yoongi it felt good.

"It's pretty good although it stills hurts a little" yoongi only lied when he spoke the last part, it didn't hurt at all.

From then on Yoongi would remind himself to get into little "accidents" to numb the pain inside.

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