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December 18th, 1985

It hadn't been easy trying to get close to Yoongi.

But even though Jimin had somewhat succeeded, he could still sense that yoongi was blocking him out but, overall it was progress.

They had been friends for about a year now.

Although they were just friends they could both feels the pounding of their hearts when close to eachother but they both chose to ignore.

They knew it wouldn't be accepted.

That wasn't the only reason that Yoongi had chosen to ignore that feeling that he got.

He didn't want to burden Jimin with his own broken heart.

He didn't want to see someone waste their time trying to fix the unfixable.

"Yoongi hyung" Jimin called out.

"Don't call me that, I said you didn't have to" Yoongi explained.

Jimin just shrugged his shoulders and half smiled.

"I'm going back to my apartment to grab something, I will be right back okay?" Jimin told Yoongi.

"Yea okay" Yoongi responsed.

Jimin slipped his boots on and stepped out into the frigid air.

Yoongi watched the younger as he shut the door behind him and he felt chills up his back due to the cold draft.

Yoongi let out a sigh and instead of letting his mind wander he kept it busy.

Yoongi strode over to the door of his room and opened it.

Inside there was a piano on the opposite side of the wall where his bed sat.

He loved that piano.

It seemed to be the only thing able to calm him and relax his mind but not enough to let it go to the dark place.

He hated the dark place.

Yoongi already felt shitty enough on an everyday basis but the dark place would intensify it by a million.

Yoongi let his fingers gently wander around on the keys due to the gentleness no sound came from the piano.

He sat down on the cushioned bench that came with the piano, it had a little tear on the side of it that Yoongi constantly picked at.

Yoongi pressed down on the keys of the piano harder and a melodic sound filled the small household.

His fingers knew there way around the familiar musical instrument and before he could even think about what song to play his hands had already begun.

Yoongi was so caught up in the beautiful symphony that filled his ears to even realized that someone had entered the house.

Jimin walked in and set his shows next to the door.

A smile spread across his gleeful face when he heard the piano.

He had only heard Yoongi play one other time and it was beautiful.

Jimin quietly entered the room and watched yoongi play.

His delicate fingers glided across the piano and his eyes were closed.

Yoongi paused for a second before starting another melody.

This one Jimin recognized immediately.

Yoongi started off so elegantly almost mesmerizing to watch him play.

Jimin sat on the bench next to Yoongi and all yoongi did was give a half smile without stopping the music.

Jimin couldn't help but to sing along.

"Last Christmas you gave me my heart and the very next day you gave it away" Yoongi was surprised at the sweet voice but still carried on.

Jimin's voice rose to a higher pitch before lowering the pitch once more "this year I'll save me some tears and I'll give it to someone special".

Jimin stared at his hyung.

Jimin realized how handsome Yoongi actually was.

His soft, delicate features that could make anyone melt.

Yoongi stopped playing as Jimin finished the brief bundle of lyrics.

He looked over to the younger and had realized that Jimin was already staring at him.

Yoongi was mesmerized.

The tension grew thick in the air as the seconds passed by.

Yoongi whispered one simple word "Jimin".

And that's all it took for Jimin to gently lean in and connect their two lips.

Yoongi pulled back.

"Stop, this can't happen, I won't let you waste your time on me Jimin" Yoongi spoke defeated.

"That is not your decision to make Yoongi" Jimin replied.

Jimin leaned in once again and Yoongi put his hands on the younger's chest and gently pushed him away.

"No" Yoongi spoke again.

Jimin was breathing hard.

He looked at Yoongi with tears in his eyes.

Yoongi knew what he wanted.

But he also knew what he needed.

And what he needed was Jimin.

Without thinking for a second more yoongi leaned in and connected their lips once again.

Butterflies formed in both of their stomachs and sparks practically flew.

And Yoongi could swear he could feel a tiny piece of his heart connect with another.

They both pulled back and Jimin could see the smile that was planted on yoongi's face.

For the first time he had seen that beautiful gummy smile.

Right then and there Jimin fell in love even more.


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