Prologue/Message from Author

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Dear reader (this part is optional),

I am very excited, writing my first story here on wattpad. The story plot I have chosen is pretty complicated, I feel, for a first story, so I am very excited to tackle this challenge. In terms of organisation, I'd say it won't be professional as it is my first book and I am getting used to everything here. It'll more be like wattpadd-y, if you will, because I have been deep into two stories on wattpad and as you may know, authors here often add their personal notes at the end of every chapter and in real books you don't exactly do that. I am not saying its wrong, but I am saying that I don't quite know which way I want to go with my story, but as I said, considering its my first creation and I am already starting with this personal message, I guess it will be wattpadd-y.

Apologies for potentially having confused you here, I have chosen to make this story wattpadd-y. Only certain chapters will end with an author's note.

This story has things that involve the law, for example April's parents being lawyers who deal with difficult cases. However I am not very knowledgable about how court works or law in general, so therefore bare with me when I make mistakes that don't quite make sense. I still search things up when I am not sure. Thank you!

Well, with no further ado, let the story begin!

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