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It’s been five years. Emily (aka blimp) is the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen. She’s got lovely brunette hair and brown eyes. Her skin is a little paler than mine but a few shades darker than her mother’s were. She’s also got a beautiful singing voice and I know she’s taken that after me.

Emily is sat at the kitchen table drawing a picture of herself, me, her brother and Amy. I stand behind her watching her draw with a cup of coke in my hands. “Daddy, do you think mummy would have liked that?” she asks and I smile at her “of course baby, she would have loved it,” I reply and I feel a smile creep across my face. “Shall we go visit mummy?” I ask and she nods rapidly before jumping off the chair to go get her shoes and her jacket.

“Are you ready?” I call up the stairs “yeah,” she calls back before appearing at the top of the stairs as she tries to hurriedly get her last shoe on. “Take your time, we have all day,” I say and she smiles just as she gets her shoe on, “wait daddy,” she says and sounds desperate while she runs down the stairs and into the kitchen to collect her drawing. “I want to show mummy my drawing,” she says and I grin at her cuteness, “alright trouble, go get in the car and I’ll be right with you,” I say while I press the button on my car key for my car to open. Looking back inside the house, I recall a time when I and Amy were snuggled up on the sofa one evening watching a movie. I then step out of the house.

Turning up at the graveyard where Amy is, I park up before getting out with Emily. She quickly gets to my side before taking my hand in hers; we then make our way to Amy. Getting to the grave, I allow Emily to let go of my hand for her to sit next to the grave before I crouch down. “He would have been a beautiful boy,” I say softly for Amy to look up at me and smile “he really would have, I just wish I got to see his face,” she says with a small sound of sob in her voice. Pulling her close to me, I kiss her temple and hug her to keep warm.

Brandon would have been Emily’s twin brother, but he died before he was born. The reason why Amy’s contractions were so long was because not only was she having a contraction, she was having a miscarriage at the same time. Emily barely made it through, but lucky she’s still with us. Nevertheless, I still got my two girls and I couldn’t have asked for a better life to live.

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