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We set the food at the table and set down our muzzles and earpieces, I take off he bomb clip on earrings and put them on the dresser along with the masks.

We sit at the table and devour the food.

I finish and stand up, walking over to the cabinets with the medical supplies and apply ointment to my side wound. Just a precaution. I don't trust this super serum yet.

I then walk over to the dresser and open my drawer to look at my clothes.

All black, with some sort of armor in them. Except for one black T-shirt and a pair of thick black leggings, which I suppose is what I'm supposed to sleep in.

I grab the T-shirt, leggings and underwear, and tell Winter Soldier that I'm showering and that he's not allowed in the bathroom while I'm in there.

He just half-smirks, finishing his pizza and beginning to clean up.

I go into the bathroom and close and lock the door, I also don't fully trust him yet. I set the clothes down on the white counter.

In the bathroom is the sink and counter, then to the right of it is the toilet, to the right of that is a half wall, and the shower is to the right of that. There is a cabinet with towels, razors, soap, conditioner and shampoo in it under the sink. On the counter there is brand new, untouched makeup that consists of primer, liquid foundation, powdered foundation, blush, bronzer, contour, a water-proof mascara, some lipsticks, and an eyeshadow pallet that consisted of 2 black shades and 4 different shades of brown. Next to the neat pile of makeup are all the brushes. I sigh and strip, turn on the shower and quickly clean myself and my hair.

After I finish with my shower, I change into the softer clothes, and pull my hair up into a bun.

I step outside the bathroom to see Winter Soldier waiting patiently with his night clothes by the dresser. He had already taken the liberty to remove his shirt.

I wink at him as I leave the bathroom and he nudges my shoulder as we pass by each other, he walks to the bathroom and I walk to the laundry basket.

I hear the door close as I drop the dirty clothes in the basket.

I need to think of a new name for him besides Winter Soldier.

I sit on the bed and then realize that I should be thinking of why there is only one full size bed in a room where two people have to sleep.


I decide to leave that problem to Winter Soldier and get in the bed, face the wall and begin to fall asleep.

I wake up to the bathroom door opening, but I stay still and silent so Winter Soldier won't know I am awake. I hear him walk towards the dresser and then towards the bed.

Then I hear silence.


Sorry for such a short chapter, but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger! Comment what you think is about to happen!

Also- What is your favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe novel on Wattpad? I'd love to read it!!

I don't have a favorite, because I haven't read enough to decide which I love the most! I do like
As One. Always, and Forever. I Promise, by

Behind the Metal Arm (Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now