Chapter 2

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Sitting down to breakfast in the morning in the servant's quarters, Jisoo ate her rice whilst observing the loud and playful girls around her. They were snickering and laughing, and Jisoo couldn't help but feel it was about her. Jisoo was quiet and never bothered to start a conversation, only exchanging fake smiles every now and then when one of the girls would take a glimpse at her. 

As breakfast time came to an end, the rain began to pour again, the wind rustling the towering trees. To Jisoo's misfortune, the girls had played a trick on her which ended up with one of her shoes missing from the step. She had no chance of retrieving it; she could never present herself as Jennie's handmaiden with only one shoe. With shame, her reputation would be ruined. 

Jisoo stared helplessly at her single shoe. Lifting her dress to hold it above her ankles, she readied herself to take a brave step into the flooded courtyard when she heard more girls giggling. She looked to her left to see the three servants opening the door, pointing and laughing at her expense. Jisoo felt hot embarrassment in her face and frustrated at the childish girls. Slamming the door with a bang, the girls disappeared back into the room, leaving Jisoo thinking of why they were doing this to her as she looked down sadly at her footwear. 

Crunching footsteps on gravel brought her out of her mind's thoughts as Jisoo looked up past the dripping rain to see Sasaki walking towards her; a white umbrella sheltering her clothes from the downpour. Jisoo looked away for a moment. "Those fuckers." She muttered, hiding her mouth to mask her profanity.


Following Sasaki to return to her duties, Jisoo stood in front of the heiress in her colourful, rich room. With only one foot with a sock and a shoe, Jisoo could no longer disguise her embarrassment as she was introduced formally to Jennie by Sasaki. 

"This is Jisoo." She explained in Japanese, smirking as Jisoo tried to avoid eye contact.

"I am at your service, Miss." Jisoo bowed at Jennie, who was sat on a dark green chair in front of her vintage vanity, at a 90-degree angle to show her respect. Jisoo glanced her eyes up at the heiress, who was inspecting her thoroughly with piercing cat-like eyes. Jisoo noticed her eyes travelling over every inch, her face became hot under Jennie's lingering gaze as she remembered last night. 

Focusing her mind, Jisoo grabbed a letter that was in the pocket of her maid's apron. Scurrying forwards to Miss Jennie's chair, she bowed, holding the white envelope with both hands. 

"A reference letter from Lady Minami, my last mistress." Jisoo explained. Jennie took the letter while Jisoo stepped back, desperately trying to avoid tripping over her own feet. 

Jennie spoke as she lifted her eyes slowly to meet Jisoo's. "So is this place to your liking?" A hint of a smile on her luscious, pink lips. Jisoo only hesitated before Jennie continued. "The sun scarcely ever shines here. Uncle won't permit it." Jennie spoke in a sad tone, yet her eyes conveyed no trace of emotion. "Sunlight causes books to fade. One could never grow fond of such a dreary place."

Jennie lifted her gaze directly as Jisoo, who stood not knowing what to do nor say, shifting from one foot to the other on the spot. "Not a good liar, are you?" The heiress confronted, leaning one elbow on the back of her chair. "We look alike, don't you think?" She asked, her burning glare never moved from Jisoo's eyes. Jisoo could sense playfulness in her tone, but she still felt uncomfortable. 

As the handmaiden was about to answer, Sasaki interrupted. "I'll take my leave." She bowed slightly and turned to leave the room, Jisoo returning the bow respectfully. 

Jennie acknowledged Sasaki's departure as she began to speak. "My late aunt and Mrs Sasaki tried very hard to teach me of a mother's love." She watched Sasaki closing the door behind her with a silent click. "But not really."

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