49. the one with malcolm

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september 7th 2018
text messages


jasmine, oh my god. i've just heard. i am so sorry angel. i know we've been distant lately but i'm here for you. i love you 💜
read 8:47am

courtney 🖤

courtney 🖤
hey baby. i just heard the news. let me know if you need anything. love you 🖤
read 8:53

elizabeth 💫

elizabeth 💫
hey jasmine. i just heard the news. i'm so sorry to hear it. i love you and i'm here for you💖
read 8:59


jasmine i am so sorry to hear the news. i'm finishing up here in la today and then im flying back home with nonna and mom, frankie will be coming as well. i love you so so much jasmine. i'll see you tonight 💞
read 9:04

harrison 💙

harrison 💙
hey jazzy, i heard the news. i'm so sorry to hear what happened. i'm here for you if you need anything xx
read 9:20


hey babes, i just heard the news. i hope you're okay. i'm here for whatever you need 💖
read 9:45

thomas ❤️

thomas ❤️
hey jasmine. i heard about malcolm. i'm so so sorry to hear about it. i know things have been rough between us, and i don't expect you to reply.. i've spoken to the guys and i know you're not relying to anyone. but i just want you to know that i'm here for you whenever and whatever you need x

jasmine ❤️
i'm so heart broken tommy
why is this happening
why has this happened
he doesn't deserve any of this

thomas ❤️
i know jasmine, and i can't even begin to imagine what you're going through

jasmine ❤️
i hate this
i hate what a shitty life he was given
malcom was such a kind soul
he never deserved any of these demons
we spoke on the phone just last week

thomas ❤️

jasmine ❤️
yeah, we were talking about the album
he was congratulating me on it
said he loved it
he said he loved your song as well

thomas ❤️
wow really?

jasmine ❤️
yeah he loved it
he said he was so happy when he heard about us
he was happy to know that i had found someone who treated me the way i deserve
he knew that better off and every time were about him
but he still loved them
he said he loved me and always would

thomas ❤️
you know he was so proud of you love, anyone would be. there is no reason not to
and of course he'll always love you, and you'll always love him. you had such a great love and that'll never go away

jasmine ❤️
i'm just so hurt tommy
i can't stop crying
like my heart actually hurts
it hurts so bad

thomas ❤️
remember jas
just keep breathin
and breathin and breathin and breathin

jasmine ❤️
oh tommy 😂 only you could make me smile at a time like this
i wish you could have met malcolm
you two would have been best friends
he really liked you
he said you were the best spider-man there is

thomas ❤️
we actually did you know

jasmine ❤️
how did i not know about this

thomas ❤️
it was a few weeks after we stopped speaking, and i was at an after party and for the life of me i can't remember who it was, but we were introduced and we sat down for a while just chatting. he was telling me how you were the most amazing girl there is and he knew that he had messed up but he was ok with just knowing you'd be there for him. he said he loved you so much and he always would, despite everything he had put you through. he said he was proud of how you've handled yourself this past year and he's proud of everything you've achieved and he couldn't wait to see what else you did

jasmine ❤️
oh my god
i love him so much
i miss him already
he's just the sweetest person there is

thomas ❤️
i know love
look i know you've been up all night, why don't you try and get some rest okay?
i'll be here if you need me

jasmine ❤️
i'll try my best
thank you tommy
for sharing that memory with me

thomas ❤️
no worries darling
i'm here for you


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