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"Grrrr.." there were many kinds of growling outside. Snarling, and like something was mewling in pain, Kuro decided to check what it was. As he pulled up the curtains, he heard the fallen leaves crumpling, as if something were being dragged. When the curtains were fully opened, he saw a black canine-looking figure, Along with a kitten figure. Then, as he gazed at them, he saw the canine look at him, with bright, yellow eyes. Before it ran off, it dropped something, and it limped on the floor. Kuro decided to check out what it was, he quickly put on a shirt, and pants. He ran outside with a flashlight, and got on his knees. He gently picked uo the creature, and walked slowly inside, while wrapping it in his shirt.
The creature was mewling and squirming around, "Shhh, it's ok, I got you~" Kuro was attemping to speak as calmly as possible. He was talking to it as if it were a human, it can't even understand him... Or could it?...

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