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                                     (Two Months later)
"H-Hey!" Kuro managed, as Kira licked his face repeatedly. "Kira! Sit!" He said playfully, she quickly sat on the floor beside him. "Now, give me your best growl!" Kira looked at him with a blank ecspression, "RRRRrrrrhhhhaaaaaarrrrrr!" She growled. And continued to take plesure on his face.
Soon, Kuro fell asleep, exausted. With Kira on his chest, passing the night was now easy. Before Kira, it had been catastrophic, he would toss, and turn till' he fell asleep.
In the morning, Kuro had chest pain, along with a migrain. "K-Kira, do you want breakfast?" Then, Kira came bounding towards him. She sat right in front of  him, like she thought she was a dog. "Yes, i do!" Kuro was caught by supprise. 'I-i must be hearing things... Kira couldnt have possibly spoke to me...' Kuro then walked towards the fridge. He grabbed the fish, and held it out in front of him, Kira stood on her hind legs and bit on to the fish slowly.
Strangly, Kuro felt the urge for fish, 'No! Im not eating fish!' He tnought. Kira looked at him, and cocked her head, as if questioning him. "Im not feeling well, im going to go back to sleep..."...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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