The Glitch

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Morty was sitting in his room, playing on an old gameboy that Rick had given to him. It only had one game, which was one of the Kirby™ games. Rick had told him never to leave the device on at night. Morty figured it was to make sure the battery wasn't drained... but he would soon find out he was very wrong.

"Oh jeez it's getting late"
Morty said to himself, yawning, while holding his new gameboy machine.
He had since he received it 5 days ago been very good at turning it off before going to bed, however this time he was so tired he just put it down on his nightstand, and fell asleep almost instantly.

After about 30 minutes, the gameboy began making sounds and lighting up... as if the game was starting itself. Of course, Morty was still sound asleep and had no clue of this. He didn't react at all until the iconic song started echoing through his bedroom "BEE BEE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BEE BEE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE BE DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDDUUDDUUDUD BEE BEE BE BE BE BE EBE EBEBEBEBEBEB"
Morty began waking up, the noise was so loud he was surprised nobody else could hear it, and it was relentless. Morty tried shutting the game off but it wouldn't work no matter how hard he tried, he eventually gave in and slammed it to the ground. There was no doubt in his mind that what had just happened was supernatural, he decided to go talk to his grandpa.
Morty swiftly jumped out of his bed and began walking, but as he got close to the door he heard a sound... a voice really... a high pitched
Morty turned around in horror, but all he could see was a pink ball flying at him, before everything turned black.

When Morty finally regained consciousness all he could see as he looked up was nothingness, everything around him was completely white. Not even as if he was in a white room, but a different dimension entirely. He could feel he had something in his mouth, like a golf ball almost, but he was beginning to hear footsteps from behind him, and he was too scared to think anymore.
He felt a presence by his left ear, and then heard a high pitched voice whisper
"oh hii hihihi"
Morty closed his eyes and turned his head away. He was trying to convince himself this was all a dream, but it felt all too real. More footsteps were forming now. And when Morty opened his eyes again he saw it... Kirby... no ... four of him were standing around Morty, licking their lips and giggling frantically. They began climbing him now, one went and sat down on his head, another went to his feet and spread them apart with force while the two others stayed by his crotch. Morty wanted to fight, he wanted so badly to kick and scream and end this, but it was as if he was frozen, he couldn't move a muscle. The giggling got worse as the two Kirbys by his crotch began unzipping his jeans and pulling them down, while simultaneously pulling his shirt up ever so slightly.
Morty's penis was now exposed, flaccid as expected but the Kirbys wouldn't stand for it. They whispered to themselves, then, somehow, made a knitting needle appear from out of nowhere. Morty stared, in shock, while trying to tell himself he was dreaming, there was no way this was real. But it was, and it was about to become even clearer.
The Kirbys grabbed the needle, and showed into the child's penile unit, making it appear as if it was rock hard. Morty tried to scream from the pain but found his words muffled by the ball in his mouth.
While this was happening he could feel something forming on his head, something hard, he didn't know what... He didn't want to know what.
The kirbys were satisfied with his penis now, so one of them opened its mouth to the fullest extent and put his entire member in its mouth, it began sucking on it furiously. Meanwhile the Kirby by his feet was taking his shoes and socks off, and licking and sucking on his toes, giving out high pitched moans as he covered Morty's feet with slime and and mouthcum ( a substance that Kirbys use to reproduce ).
The kirby on top of Mortys head began climbing down now... wrapping its tiny hands and feet around his face. Morty began sensing that there were two worms on his face but they were stiff and... pulsating. Before he knew it, his nose was stuffed by them. And the Kirby began nose fucking him with two thin cocks that reached all the way up to like the child's brain as they entered, entering and exiting fully with each hard thrust. The other Kirbys loved knowing that Morty could barely breathe from this, after all they wanted to fuck him to death. So the Kirby that was sucking on his penis screamed, no words, just a high pitched awful scream. But the Kirbys knew what it meant, they flipped Morty over. The Kirby on his head kept fucking his nose, and the Kirby by his feet was beginning to jump them furiously, moaning so high that it was hurting Morty's head.
Now the two Kirbys that were originally by Morty's crotch pulled his pants down more, exposing his buttocks and instantly slapping and chewing on it.
But it didn't take long until they both created their own phalluses, that they then used to double penetrate the poor boy, one going in, while the other went out. Creating a pump in Morty's ass that he had never experienced before.
Morty was tearing up, and his face turning purple from the lack of air... But he had shut off, he didn't care what happened anymore. His childhood, someone he considered a friend, was doing this to him... four times at once and he could not grasp it. The moaning was beginning to deafen his ears, and pounding in his holes beginning to tear him and he had given up.
But then, the faithful sound of a portal appeared. Then the firing of a gun, followed by four beautiful screams.
Morty didn't want to move, and he didn't have to, he knew who was there. His grandpa.
Rick ran up to Morty, putting his clothes back on quickly, and trying to talk to him and finally... Morty was back, he stared at his grandpa and then began crying immediately.
"Morty! You're back!"
Rick said with enthusiasm, too much enthusiasm...
Rick's skin began turning pink, and he slowly became smaller... rounder...
Morty screamed and started trying to crawl away. But Kirby followed him, knowing it didn't matter what the boy did... He had him and he was going to end him.
Morty managed to get the ball out of his mouth and began screaming
Kirby smirked, this, this is exactly what he wanted... a proper fight.
Kirby leaped forward, grabbing Morty and beginning to slam his head down to the ground, Morty resisted and fought back. But during the wrestle Kirby managed to create a penis, the size of one that would be on a horse. Morty knew what was going to happen if he didn't win this fight.
He began looking around while slapping the dick away from his face over and over, he could see that Kirby's patience was wearing thin and he was becoming stronger. His horsedick began entering Morty's mouth slowly, but Morty couldn't let it happen, with his last strength and adrenaline he grabbed the dick with both hands and snapped it. Kirby let out a scream that echoed through the nothingness, then melted into the ground.
Morty gasped for air for a while, before standing up and looking around him... at all the dead Kirby's, at all the blood, both his and not.

He fell down, and passed out.

The end?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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