Ok i chose:
@ThatNiggaAngel For the Main role. She will be with Roc Royal.
@Crown_MeQUEEN For Ray Rays future love interest. Also friend of mane role.
@IBeezWithMB for Prodigys future love interest , also friends with mane role.
@AYOOLADYWOW for Princetons future love interest and main roles friend.
@trill_adhd for Roc Royals Sister. Not in the story ALOT.
Ok here the descriptions. By the way I made these descriptions.
Renae aka @ThatNiggaAngel-
Wassup niggas Im Renae. Im fucking gorgeous bitches. You dont like me , lemme introduce you to my middle finger. Keep pissin me off and youll see more of it. Im real chill and laid back at times, but I love violence. I will beat your ass IF needed. Im real funny to. I have smart remarks to almost every thing. I may be mean, but i always have my family and friends back. Im shady as fuck when needed to me. I can be a nerd, but say something about it an ill so your dick to your lips. Im really upfront and never bite my tongue. I mean am I suppost to be scared of you or something? Well im done here. BY BITCHES.
@Crown_MeQUEEN aka Indigo-
Hi yaw im Indigo. I kindave have a alter egoz. Theres me Bella .A funny , laid back person , i will make you shit bricks. I ama very smiley person and i will always put a smile on your face. Then theres Indigo, the real me. The hardcore bitch who will punch the shit out of you. I will make you fear me. I will beat your ass with no hesitation. Talk about my fam or friends ill woop your ass so bad youll be limping like you just got fucked for 6 hours. Well thats all. And my main bitch is Renae. Mostly cause were just alike.
@iBeezWithMB aka keke-
Hi you guys im keke, not keisha, or KeLoLo , KEKE. Im nice as fuck. I rarely start drama. I have a loud voice but I choose not to use it unless needed. I have my flaws and no how to admit it. I have people say I make them laugh, but I dont find myself funny really. I keep negative thoughts to myself. I have a bad time sharing my feelings. Im not a people person but I try to get along with them even though i dont like to. Well there you go,somethings about me.
Hey yaw im Angel. Im a very smart girl. Im shy when you first meet me. When you have been my friend for a while you will realize im a crazy,wild,and party girl. I will take shots after shots at parties. Body shots,beer pong you name it. But I do no how to not spread my legs open for any walking thing. I really give zero cares to the people who dont like because love me or hate me im still gonna shine. Well thats enough about me yaw. Bye.
trill_adhd aka caroline-
Hey yaw. Im caroline my brother Chresantos or what are family calls him Roc is bullied. And i no that . But I cant say anything. Why? Because I no how crazy Craig,Jacob and Raquan are. I tell him to ignore them but its like hes scared to. But i mean its not my problem. I dont care. Deuces :)
Ok there you are and theres a picture to the side of Renae next chapter. Sorry if thats not how you wanna look. But there should be a pic of each girl rach chapter. Ok bye.