He loves you

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(Y/N) pov

I was sitting in the living room reading a book when Damian came in and flopped down on the couch next to me he seemed upset. " Hey, Dami what's wrong?" I asked in the most non-threatening voice I had. "TT" was all I got in response. "Are the others picking on you again? Or are they just being stupid?" I knew that he would answer this question with a rant so I closed my book prepared to listen. "Both! Jason keeps calling me demon spawn not realizing that you are a literal demon spawn(Sorry If you wanted to be human but it will make sense as the story goes) Dick keeps saying that I need to open up more to let people in not knowing that is exactly what I'm trying to do. And Tim Oh my god does he want to die or something I try to take his coffee away so he will sleep naturally but no he just calls me a demon spawn and walks away!" 

Once he was done with his rant I hugged him said I understood then proposed we watch movies in his room. We ended up watching Lilo and Stitch and other Disney movies.

TIme skip Because I can and want to~

Damian pov

I was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for breakfast to be served so that I could go study in the library. "Hey, demon spawn breakfast ready?!" I turned to see none other than Jason. "Almost todd." I guess I sounded a bit rude because he then walked over to his chair saying "Jeez demon I was just asking." Dick walked in as soon as his butt hit the chair. Dick was in his normal overly cheerful attitude (Y/N) was right behind him she seemed tired but hey it is early in the morning.

(Y/N) pov

I walked into the kitchen behind Dick who woke me up early. Tim was sitting in his seat though he looked dead with his head on the table. Jason was annoyed at something probably Dami. Dami was just staring off into space he seemed to be thinking about something. And Dick well he was being Dick as usual. I went to my seat next to Dami, He was still just staring off into space so I waved my hand in front of his face. "Dami earth to Dami!" "huh" Jason then laughed just as Damian was about to say something, Alfred walked in with eggs and bacon for us to eat.

Another time skip because I'm super lazy~

Still (Y/N) pov

Me and Dami were sitting on the living room floor looking at an old scrapbook. Jason, Tim, And Dick were sitting on the couch watching tv. Dad walked in with the girls he then asked who broke the Batmobile. Jasons immediate answer was  "bet it was the demon since he's always up to no good." "hey" I yelled every one looked at me"Don't call Damian a demon just because he was raised by assassins and you say demon as if it's some sort of insult like he's a monster. I'm a demon does that make me a monster. Also, Damian loves you so that's just mean." I ranted everyone turned to Jason for a response. "Him love us as if he threatens to kill us all the time sometimes he even tries to." He finally said. "Yes, him love you, Damian loves all of us if he didn't we'd all be dead think about it he was raised by assassins and taught to kill a person twice your size Jason. He just doesn't show sentiment or feel the same way as all of us but he does try to make it known that he loves you. With Dick he lets you hug him even though it reminds him of some sort of attack, Tim he tries to take your coffee away so that you don't die of overworking yourself even though he could just let you work yourself to death, And Jason, he's the one that makes everyone leave you alone after a nightmare or panic attack. So yes he loves you" Dick walked up to Dami who was cowering behind me at this point. "Dami is that true?" Damian nodded his head to say yes. "(Y/N) how is it that you knew that?" Tim asked quietly. "I was the only one other than Alfred to bother to get to know him or listen to what he had to say." I was tired so I went to bed leaving everyone to realize that I was better than them.

Thank you if you read this sorry the next one will hopefully be better~

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