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Logan pulls a small piece of metal from the back of her jeans and snaps it downwards, it extends into a baton as she stalks forward towards the two men with guns, Bruce gets to watch her this time as she takes them down, effortlessly, these two men are probably highly trained and she takes them down with, what is essentially, a stick. She looks up from the two men unconscious on the floor and to Bruce.

"Come on" she motions with her hand, he opens his mouth to ask her as he moves to her but remembers their deal, they'll talk about it after, and he'll keep banking away questions and statements to go through with her later. This is all just too crazy, how did she keep this from him? Was it going on whilst they were together? How long has she been able to do all this stuff? And he will maybe tell her that it's kind of attractive on her, she's not the wide eyed innocent girl he thought she was. She takes his hand when he reaches her and pulls him along with her as they move towards the exit of the lower level maintenance corridor. The helicarrier shakes and tilts to one side, Bruce looses his footing first, sliding down towards the wall as Logan tries to grab onto something. "Son of a bitch!" she complains slipping. Logan lands on Bruce's chest and they both groan. "Ow" she complains pushing herself up a little, she looks down at Bruce who shifts slightly, their eyes clash and his green eyes peer back into her purple ones, she smiles softly knowing the other guy is currently watching her. "Hey, Big guy" she whispers, Bruce's arm wraps around her tightly. "No" she argues and shakes her head. "No...that's not..."

"Little girl" Bruce states but it's not entirely his voice, it's deeper, primal. She shivers a little a shudder running down her spine, he should not have this effect on her.

"You won't hurt me, right?" Logan asks, he watches her and then shakes his head.

"No" he answers quieter.

"You think I can get Bruce back, so I can...get us out of here in one piece?" she asks softly touching Bruce's cheek, letting her powers seep into him keeping the other guy calm. There is a rumble and the green of Bruce's eyes disappears slowly, she peers down at him. "Bruce?" she asks, he nods.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm me....what happened?" he asks then looking at the two of them, she pulls back quickly and stands rubbing the back of her neck.

"I urm...he almost...I had to...." she stutters slightly as Bruce stands.

"Right" he whispers. "Thank you" she nods a little.


On the Helicarrier's port side, Iron Man begins to push the rotor using boosters from his boots.

"Stark, we're losing altitude" Fury tells him over comms.

"Yeah. Noticed" The rotors start propelling faster and faster as Iron Man's boosters get brighter and brighter. On the other side, Captain America continuously shoots at Barton's men. Blinking at the wrong moment, Captain America loses the upper hand and SLIDES off the railing, but grabs onto a loose cable.


Thor runs into the detention section where he finds Loki, escaping.

"No!" Thor charges at his brother. Loki walks up to him and crouches down to attack. Thor only goes through him. The false Loki dissipates into nothingness. The real Loki comes out from behind the cell door, which closes on Thor, locking him up. Loki smiles.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asks.


Barton walks alone down the catwalk. In a lightning fast move, Barton nocks an arrow, and points it at Natasha. A hand-to-hand fight ensues. Natasha crawls her way around Barton, making Barton to drop his bow, but pulls out a knife on her.


Thor, in a fit of anger, slams Mjolnir onto the glass cell. To his surprise, the cell door only cracks, but violently shakes the ship. Loki stands there in caution, as does his guarding soldier. Loki smiles and walks over to the control panel.

"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki asks. Suddenly, guarding soldier falls down like a tree. Agent Coulson stands there, holding a phase 2 weapon prototype.

"Move away, please" Coulson orders, Loki moves away from the switch. "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent The Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" There is then a loud gasp. Agent Coulson is impaled through the heart. The real Loki stands behind him.

"Nooo!" Thor shouts. Loki sends Agent Coulson against the wall. Agent Coulson slumps down, breathing fast. Loki makes his way to the control switch. He gives his brother one last look. Thor looks at him, hopeful. Loki opens the hatch. Thor still hopes. Loki hits the button and drops Thor out of the ship.


Barton and Natasha continue attacking each other. Natasha kickboxes Barton's face. Feeling that, Barton takes a swing at her, but she grabs his arm, twisting it. Barton writhes in pain. Using his other arm, he tosses the knife over and begins to slash at Natasha. She dodges every move, but finds herself in a lock hold with him. As he forces the knife down, she bites his wrist. Barton lets go of the knife. Natasha wraps her legs around his neck, flips him over and arm locks him. She slams his head into a pipes rail. Barton goes down, hard. He looks up her, almost coming to his real senses.

"Natasha..." Natasha coldcocks him. Barton is out.


Thor, trapped in the glass cage, bounces off the jumbling cell pod. As it draws closer to land, Thor tries to swing at glass, but misses. Land draws closer. In a final attempt before crashing, Thor positions himself onto the glass door and leapfrogs just as the cage is about to hit the ground. The cell crashes into the shore as Thor crashes out into the meadow.


Loki has no remorse as he looks down. He closes the hatch and proceeds to leave. A weak voice stops him.

"You're gonna lose" Coulson tells him, Loki turns to him.

"Am I?"

"It's in your nature"

"Your heroes are scattered or broken, your floating fortress falls from the sky...where is my disadvantage?" Loki asks.

"You lack conviction"

"I don't think I..." Agent Coulson shoots Loki with the prototype weapon causing Loki to be blown through the wall behind him.

"So that's what it does" Coulson comments weakly. 

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