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Logan sits next to Bruce on the quinjet, Steve stands just behind the pilot seats which sit Clint and Natasha. It's quiet except for the hum of the engine. It's a on edge, ready for anything quiet. Tense. Logan sighs a little and pulls out her cellphone as it starts to ring, the others glances to her, she shrugs back and turns her attention back to the device. She glances to the caller id of her cellphone and sighs. Sam. She debates answering it, but if she doesn't they're going to keep calling. She presses accept and sets the phone to her ear.

"Sammy" she greets.

"Hey, just checking in" Sam greets back, she smirks.

"Out with it" Logan counters. "Come on Sam, what's he done now?"

"Nothing, Dean's done nothing, we're...worried about you" Sam admits.

"Don't be" she argues. "I'm just doing some...science stuff" she tells him, she can hear Sam sigh.

"Logan...you are my twin sister and I know when you are lying" Sam counters.

"I'm really fine, Sam...just make sure Dean stays off that leg"

"We're coming up on the city" Natasha tells them.

"So you're in New York?" Sam asks. "Cause the news.."

"I have to go, Sam, I'll call you later" she hurries out and then hangs up. Bruce smirks a little.

"You and Sam are still close then?" Bruce asks, she nods.

"Yeah, I guess it's a bond that refuses to break" she answers sliding her phone away. "I mean it was...difficult when he first left Stanford" she explains.

"Sam got into Stanford and then left?" Bruce asks. "Voluntarily?" she nods and then shakes her head.

"It's complicated" she answers. "After" she offers, Bruce nods and reaches for her hand, but he hesitates, she closes the gap and threads her fingers with his, they share a look, she gives him a small smile. Steve watches them from where he stands.

"Stark, we're heading north east" Natasha states over the comms.

"What, did you stop for drive-thru?" Tony teases. "Swing up park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you"


Iron Man banks around his tower. Sees Thor and Loki still going at it. He swoops down the street, causing a chitauri to crash. Flying up, he puts the following chitauri in view of the quinjet. Natasha takes out machine gun and fires at the chitauri. Logan stands and moves to Steve's side to watch, Bruce clutches to his seatbelts taking a steadying breath.


Thor and Loki battle savagely. Loki fires energy from the sceptre, sending Thor sliding across the floor.


Clint looks out to his left window, finding a target. The Stark tower.


"See them" Natasha agrees, Clint banks the jet towards the Tower. Aims the minigun at Loki, Loki in turn aims the sceptre back at the jet and fires at blast of energy which hits the jet, it jerks in the air, Steve grabs onto a strap overhead and Logan to keep steady. Clint tries to manoeuvre the jet but the wing of the jet is dysfunctional. It starts to drop out of the sky. Logan stumbles a little and then pushes away from Steve and moved to the centre of the jet, she takes a deep breath and holds out her hands. The jet stops suddenly as Logan controls the decent. But telekinesis is not her strongest ability. She's only just started training it, the last year. She clenches her jaw and then starts to lower the jet slowly. She curls her fingers and cries out a little. Her nose starts to bleed with the effort she puts into her control, cups, forks, bottles, pipes, guns, knives she's been practising on, but this is a jet.

It drops the last 5ft with a sharp jolt, sending Logan into Bruce's lap, he holds onto her as the jet settles, Bruce looks to her face, blood dripping from her nose.

"Hey" he states worried using his sleeve to clean up her nose, she rests against him shivering slightly. "You okay?" he asks, she nods.

"Give me a second" she whispers, he cleans up the rest of the blood, watching her worried. Clint and Natasha unbuckle themselves and stand moving to grab their weapons, Steve lingers looking to Logan and Bruce.

"We're right behind you" Bruce assures them. "Just...in a minute" Steve nods and then heads down the ramp as it opens, followed by Clint and Natasha. "Does this happen every time?" Bruce asks.

"No, just....the telekinesis stuff and...when I over do it" she sits up a little. "The empathy stuff I've had for....7 years now, I've got a hold on it, but the other stuff I'm still working on"

"7 years" he whispers brushing her hair back. "And you're sure the..."

"It wasn't what happened that day that..." she stops and sighs looking down. "It was something that happened a long, long, time ago, that.....festered" she admits. "Another thing to talk about later" she tells him, her eyes watching him softly. Those feels from all those years ago creeping back to the surface. He strokes her back and smiles a little.

"We should join the others" he whispers, she nods and stands from his lap. But it was a comfort, something familiar, how many nights did they spend curled up together, with her in his lap, watching a classic movie? How many nights did he wrap his arms around her and whisper words of love and adoration to her? Too many. She looks a little, memories flashing, she thought she pushed them all away when she returned to her family, but it sees she can't escape them. 

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