Chapter 18: Everything Ends Here

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August 1, 2016

Los Angeles, California


While the hotel had been lavish and packed wall to wall with people in glittering, colorful clothes, the house that they were currently at was completely different. It was luxurious, yes. Paintings from the centuries adorned the walls, chandeliers glittered from the ceilings, and candles adorned almost every corner of the house. Only an elf, or a gifted person could have the obnoxious amount of candles. They were the only source of light, casting dim, golden, flickering shine across the beautiful marble space. But there was a door that led to a winding, twisting staircase that led so deep underground that part of her wondered if they were descending to hell.

The house was so warm; the alcohol had made her internal temperature rise to the point where she had been sweating. But the chill of the descent began to cause goose bumps to rise across her skin. And as they grew closer to what was perhaps going to be one of the most horrible things that Alice would witness, the chill entered her very bones. The sound of trickling water began to fill the space and as Alice rounded the corner with Sam next to her, she was greeted with a horribly familiar scene that was made so much worse because of who it was. Tom was bound to a chair; his shirt had been ripped off to expose the fresh whip lashings that he had endured. The underground stream ran freely behind him, a single source of light lit up the entire space and it was in the hand of Darius – who owned the mansion that they were at and was apparently one of Jason's close friends, helping him keep things in line in California – an elegant candelabra in his hand illuminating his strained face. Next to him stood Jason and George, the latter had a thick expression of disappointment. And standing between the entire scene and Alice was Marie, whose face was twisted with mild amusement.

"Welcome," Marie announced, "Alicia, I am sure that Captain Wright informed you of what is happening tonight."

"She has," Alice said thickly.

"Please join your brother and if you have anything to say, do not hesitate to speak up," she was smiling, without any shame and Alice for the first time in her life felt an unnerving rise of hatred within her. But she forced it down, ignored it and went to take her place next to George.

"Thomas Tarr, you have been detained due to suspicion of dangerous and illegal activities of which you have been found guilty of. The acts are as follows: association with paranormal gang members, accomplice of paranormal gang – related crimes, attack of an innocent with the added damage of said attack for multiple years, and manipulation of an innocent individual for unlawful acts. Despite the interrogation before this, what do you have to say for your charges?" Marie asked, and because Alice this time had the setogram painted over her eye, she could see the magic under her skin.

"What can I say?" Tom said with a weariness that could be felt in one's core. "There is no defense against the Oswald Empire. Once you guys find something or someone, there is a bunch of evidence that you can't argue against. So, no. I have nothing to say."

"Do you perhaps want to tell me who the name of the innocent that you were manipulating?" Marie came to stand behind him, one hand that was glowing red resting on his shoulder.

"No," Tom answered simply, avoiding looking at Alice.

"Whether or not you say the innocent's name, it won't change the judgment," Marie pointed out.

Tom nodded, "And I know that. I'm still not saying a name."

"Alright," Marie nodded, the flash of disappointment disappearing as quickly as it disappeared. "Thomas Tarr, you have been found guilty of the crimes you have been accused of and you will be cursed to live the rest of the days with your identity revealed."

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