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seungmin opened his eyes and started freaking out. what? who's house am i in? who's bed? at least i'm clothed. what happened?

he thought back to the night before and sighed. of course, someone had to take pity on me.

he stretched and sat up, looking around the room once more. a large standing mirror occupied one corner, one wall was full of dance trophies and prizes, and another was a wardrobe and a bed. the top of the walls was lined with fairy lights which gave the room a more chill, relaxing vibe to it. seungmin stood up and stretched once again before an aroma wafted through the air. is that... pancakes?

seungmin (slightly) rushes out of the room and saw hyunjin standing by the stove with a blue apron on. he slowly approached the boy, arms wrapped around each other to keep him warm. who knew the morning was so cold inside?

"whatcha making?" hyunjin jumped slightly before hanging his head low and clutching his heart.

"goddamn! you almost gave me a heart attack! well good morning to you, too."

"sorry, i didn't mean to startle you." seungmin apologized as hyunjin continued cooking.

"nah, it's fine. anyways, i'm making blueberry pancakes. hopefully you like them because it's the only thing i have other than cereal and instant ramen."

"i love pancakes!" seungmin hopped up, in excitement and to keep his blood circulating so he stayed warm.

"good!" hyunjin flipped a pancake in the pan and seungmin gave a small applause. "thank you, thank you. that was the most impressive thing i've done in my entire 18 years of existing."

seungmin smiled, hiding his giggles behind a closed mouth. hyunjin smiled and looked back at seungmin. he saw his closed mouth smile and his fidgeting. he saw his arms wrapped around himself.

"are you cold?" hyunjin set down the spatula, making sure nothing was in the pan and ran over to his room.

"oh, i'm not too cold, you don't have to give me a-"

"here's my hoodie. put it on, it's really warm." hyunjin handed seungmin a black hoodie which he hesitantly accepted. he put it on as hyunjin returned to the cooking. "better?"

seungmin nodded.

"i have a feeling you're nodding."

"oh. right. yeah, i was nodding." seungmin stood two feet behind hyunjin and stood on his tiptoes to look over hyunjin's shoulder.

"you wanna watch?" hyunjin scooted over to seungmin had a better view of the pancakes.

"thanks." seungmin watched as hyunjin scraped the pancakes off the pan and flipped them. he watched every move he made; every time he flipped/ran his hands through his hair (23), every time his pushed up his sleeves (13), every time he put a hand on his hip when he was waiting for the pancake to cook (11), every time he adjusted his bracelet (17), and more. he kept track, trying to gather information as to what type of person hyunjin was, but he gathered nothing. he's... perfect?

"done! that's all the battered used up." hyunjin brought the empty batter bowl to the sink and turned off the stove. he grabbed the necessary breakfast items and headed to the coffee table in the living room. seungmin followed and sat across from hyunjin.

"thanks for the meal." hyunjin put a pancake on seungmin's plate and one on his before handing seungmin the syrup. "oh, thanks."

"mhm." hyunjin quietly waited for seungmin to pour the syrup before applying it to his own meal. "enjoy! hopefully, they're edible."

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