Chapter 3: The Bathroom

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One Day Later

Your POV

I was on my way home from a super busy day, I was sitting at the back seat of the van watching all the night life that was happening in Hong Kong as we drove back to the hotel. I had done a photoshoot, an interview and guest starred in a Chinese variety show all in one day and frankly I just wanted to sleep. It was pretty late anyway and it was around 11pm.

EXO on the other hand are probably finishing up their concert, The Lost Planet in Hong Kong. I still can't believe after so long we are still such good friends. The dinner last night was great because we were all laughing and talking about old times back when we were trainees. But the only problem is that I think I'm starting to get feelings for Luhan....


-sitting next to Luhan and Kai-

"Hey Luhan? Can you pass me the jug of water over their" you ask

"Oh yeah sure no problem" he replys nicely as he passes the water over.

"Here I'll pour it for you" he says smiling.

"BOO!!" Chanyeol and Chen jump up behind you which causes Luhan to spill water everywhere on the table.

"YAHH WHAT THE HECK GUYS?!"  Luhan yells at them but Chanyeol and Chen are giggling to much to listen.

"You were so scared hyung" says Chanyeol

"What no I wasn't I'm manly" Luhan replys

"Oh god let me help" you say as you and Luhan starts to soak up all the water with the napkins.... but then your hands accidently touch. You then look up at each other and you both start to blush awkwardly....

"Date each other! Date each other" Kai starts chanting

You both just laugh it off.

End of Flashback

No ______ stop it, I can't like Luhan! We've been friends for so long and it might ruin your friendship. Snap out of it! Oh good we are back at the hotel, maybe I just need some sleep.

-back at the hotel room-

I'm all ready to go to sleep, I'm in my oversized top and shorts. I think I might unwind a bit first by watching some TV.

-TV turn on but then starts to static-

Huh thats wierd, I'll call room service.

5 mins later "Roomservice" a woman says outside the door

I go over to answer, "Hi, I have a problem with my TV. Can you help?"

"Yes of course" she replys. However the second she walks in the TV starts working normally again.

"Oh well thats odd, I'll let you know if anything else happens but thank you anyway" I say to her.

"Have a good evening" she says happily and then she leaves. I walk back over to the television and start watching a drama but 5 seconds later the TV goes to static again.

What the heck?! "Unnie wait!" I yell out before going outside to get her attention again.

She follows me back inside but once again as soon as she walks in the television works again. 

"Duìbùqǐ (I'm sorry in Chinese) but I swear it wasn't working before"

"Ms I'm tired aswell and I don't have time for this, goodnight" she says pretty rudely and then leaves.

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