7a. The Corner Booth

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It was a hot, dry Friday. All three office fans twirled and hummed, yet did nothing to cool Elle down.

"Bonnie?" she called out to the seventeen-year-old assistant she'd hired a little while back. "Did you call the AC guy?"

Bonnie, a tall, slender redhead with striking green eyes, walked into Elle's office at the back. "I called, but Gareth said you'll have to wait till Monday. He's got a wedding to go to tomorrow apparently, and is busy with all things a groomsman does."

"I can't work in this heat," Elle grumbled and collected all the photos in a pile, carefully slipping them into a manila folder.

"Sort out next week's schedule for me and make sure I have the Van Belt's information on my laptop. Then you can take the rest of the day off. Go to the pool or something."

"Okay." Bonnie almost skipped out into the corridor. "By the way, did you need me this weekend?"

Elle's head snapped up. "What do I have this weekend?"

"An eighteenth birthday party tomorrow. It starts at seven pm."

"No, it's okay. You can have the weekend off." Elle stuffed her camera into its case.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Bonnie knocked on the partition wall. "Your cousin, Chloe, called. Wondered when you were popping in with the wedding albums."

"Tell her I'm done when I'm done."

"Nah, you deal with her yourself. I handle office business. She's your family. Besides, she's scary!" Bonnie laughed. Elle could hear her flipping through the day book.

"How are we looking for next week?" Elle called out.

"You got two busy days, and then just planning for the Van Belt's wedding the following Thursday. You have an entire week for it."

"Shit," Elle swore.

"You forgot about Maya, didn't you?"

"You can't, possibly?"

"Sorry, Elle. I have exams coming up or I would have taken her." Bonnie walked back into Elle's office with her laptop. "The Van Belts are in there for you now." She slid the laptop onto the desk and heaved her long, heavy hippie bag on her shoulders. "How about your neighbour?"

Elle shook her head. "If it was a matter of one or two days, I would have, but I'm going to be busy almost all week. My mum will have a heart attack if I leave her with someone else." She slipped her laptop into her shoulder bag and slung it over her shoulder along with the camera case. "Maybe I'll have to drop her off at my folks' after the party tomorrow."

Elle walked out of her office, Bonnie close behind. "Aren't your parents on a cruise at the moment?"

"Damn it!" she almost screamed through gritted teeth. "You really can't help me out, Bon?" Elle chuckled.

"Sorry, Elle. It's my HSC trails coming up."

Elle sighed. She was going to have to take Maya along to the Van Belt's wedding. She just hoped they won't mind a random child running around the place.

Bonnie seemed to read her thoughts. "You'll have to take her along."

"I'll ask, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Maybe." Elle nodded. "Go do something fun."

Bonnie stepped out the door. "And don't forget to call Chloe."

Elle followed suit, clutching Chloe's two fat albums and the folder containing photos to her chest, trying not to drop anything whilst pulling the door close behind. By the time she could call for help, Bonnie had bounded off down the road, headphones plugged into her ears. The manila folder slid towards the blazing concrete in slow motion, and she heard a shrill scream in her head. No!

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