13c. Clanging Hints for the Nearly Deaf

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As the apartment filled with people, Elle stayed out on the balcony with Ethan and his girlfriend Bree. Elle had never met Bree, only heard of her for the past year. She had wanted to speak to Ethan alone, but Bree seemed to be his extension. She went where he went. It was cute, but Elle felt a twang of jealousy. No girl had ever stolen her brother away from her before.

"You are coming home for the anniversary?" Elle asked hopefully. Awkward as it was. Blake's death and her parents' anniversary were on the same day, and they still gathered together.

"I was thinking of flying back home with you." Ethan smiled, his blue eyes dancing mischievously. He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear. "I'm proposing to Bree."

"What are you two whispering about?" Bree grabbed Ethan's hand, tugging him back to her.

He shook his head. "I was telling Elle I might bring you home with us. Introduce you to the family."

"Oh." Bree clasped her hands. "I'd absolutely love that!"

Ethan excused himself for a moment to grab a drink, and Elle followed within seconds, telling Bree they'd be right back. She passed a group of men hovering near the food table.

"You're serious about that?" she whispered, squeezing herself in between a tall man and Ethan. Ethan narrowed his eyes. "About proposing, I mean."

Ethan popped a cocktail sausage roll into his mouth and smiled. "I was thinking it's time to add to the family."

"Is she pregnant?" Elle turned to watch the balcony.

"God, no!" He choked on his food and chased it down with a glug of beer. "I meant she'd be family."

"Oh," was all Elle said.

"She's nice, you'll like her."

"Doesn't it suffocate you? She hasn't left your side since you two got here," she muttered darkly, that envious dragon in her lashing out.

"She gets nervous around people she doesn't know." He laughed and kissed Elle's cheek. "I better go before she comes looking for me."

"You look lovely, by the way," he called, turning back with a wink.

Elle smiled, grabbing herself a plate. She was starving. It had been a while since they'd eaten lunch, and feeling slightly awkward that she indeed didn't know anybody in that crowd, she turned to food and piled it on her plate.

"A bit much, don't you think?" A voice teased and instantly she wanted to put all the food back without being noticed. "Try the mini sandwiches," Dean said smoothly.

"Dean." She fumbled with her new fringe, trying to tuck it back behind her ears. "I didn't know you were here."

"You seemed busy, hard to get you all to myself." Elle blushed. "You look gorgeous," he added, never taking his eyes off her face. "He's a lucky guy."


He turned to the balcony where Ethan had disappeared.

"Oh." She chuckled. "Come, I'll introduce you."

Dean raised his eyebrows and followed Elle, zigzagging through the crowd.

"Work it, Elle!" She heard Chloe from somewhere within the crowd but, embarrassed, she made it double quick to the balcony.

"Ethan," she called, accidentally catching her brother and Bree down each other's throat. Elle turned to Dean sheepishly. "Ethan!" she called out louder.

Not embarrassed, Ethan simply turned to Elle with a grin. "Oh, you brought food. Goodie!"

Elle obliged and handed the plate to him, grateful to look as if she were fetching the food for them. She turned to Dean and said politely. "I don't believe you've met my brother."

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