10. I do

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Elle sat on her king-single bed in her room. It was a lovely day outside and everyone gathered in the backyard for her father's famous lamb barbeque. But she wanted to stay in her room. After all, it wasn't long to go before she walked down the aisle and away from home.

A knock sounded and Trish stuck her head in. "Everyone's downstairs love, how about joining us?"

Elle smiled with moist eyes. "Thought I should clean up the room."

"You haven't bothered in such a long time. I think it can wait one more day." Her mother laughed.

Elle looked around her room. There were years of clutter, and cleaning up could easily consume a whole day. "I guess it can wait one more day," she mumbled, sliding off her bed. "Will you help me tomorrow?"

"Anything for my bride-to-be."

"Did I hear right? Ethan's bringing a girlfriend tonight?"

Trish chuckled. "Yep. Said he's 'kinda' getting serious, and he'd like the family to meet her before springing her on us at your wedding."

Elle had to laugh as she followed Trish downstairs. "He didn't want to steal any of my limelight."

"Cause he loves you." Trish walked into the kitchen. "Grab the lemonade." She carried out a dish of potato bake from the bench top.

Almost everyone who mattered was there, crammed in the small backyard. Elle's parents, Uncle Steve and Aunty Ester, Chloe with some random university guy named Brighton she was sleeping with. Then there was Blake's family, his quiet parents and his charming but coy sister, Harriett, and her family. Elle had always thought that name was butch. Think about it, the only way you could easily shorten it was Harry.

Elle walked out with two pitchers of lemonade and kept an ear out for the doorbell. Blake came over and kissed her on the head.

"How are you holding up? No jitters I hope."

Elle shook her head. "None."

Blake hugged her tightly. "How about we do away with tradition and go to the registry right now?" He nibbled at her earlobe.

"What are you two whispering over there?" Bert eyed the soon-to-be-married couple.

"I was thinking about stealing Elle away from you already," Blake kidded.

Over the four years, Bert had dropped being the overprotective father and accepted Blake like a second son. Elle smiled, thinking how lucky she was that her entire family got along together as if that's the way it had always been. The initial days of curfews and chaperoned dates were long gone.

The doorbell chimed and Elle went to the front door, swinging it open. There stood her six feet tall baby brother, Ethan. His broad shoulders and lean body made him look very athletic and older than his actual age.

Ethan's eyes lit up. "Hey Ellie!" He smiled. Beside him stood a skinny, brown-eyed blonde, absolutely nervous. After engulfing Elle in his arms for a long while, he entered the house with his date close on his heels. "Elle, this is Isolde. Isolde, this is my big sis, Elle."

Isolde smiled, politely kissing Elle's cheek. "Nice to meet you."

Elle smiled. The young couple made a striking pair. "Nice to meet you too," she said with a smile. "Everyone's waiting for the story out the back," she warned.

Ethan cradled Isolde's tiny waist with his arms and led her through the house.

"So, how long have you two been going out?" Elle asked. She was happy. Her little brother had never been gutsy enough to ask out any girl before this. That he finally brought a girl home to introduce excited everyone, especially Trish and Bert. Not that her brother needed to be tied down, but he'd finally eased his parents' worries.

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