The Dark Prince Rises

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Whoa.. 48 reads in 5 days?! That's so nice of you all! Thank you😄 Anyway, to the chapter
Kris POV
Susie and I went back to the bunker trying to find a way to bust it open.. when we were at it, we heard a voice saying 'Hey!!' behind us.. when we look was just Noelle the reindeer..

Noelle: Hey!! What are you two doing here?

Susie: We kept trying to bust this stupid bunker open so we can go back to-

Kris: (Closes Susie's mouth while shaking their head left and right very fast saying 'no no no no no no no no no no!' quietly)

Susie: U-Uhhh..

Noelle: It's ok, I already know about it 😊

Susie: Wait seriously?!

Kris: But how?

Noelle: You two always stayed back here so many times which got me curious on why you two would wait until evening.. So, I discovered that you two wanted to go back to a place called 'the dark world'?

Susie: S-So, you noticed we done that? Is it really that obvious?

Noelle:'s a little subtle...but I already figured it out..

Susie: /Damn, She's good../ Okay then..

Kris: (Smirks at Susie and Noelle)

Noelle: Uhh..Kris? Why are you looking at us like that?

Susie: Yeah man, what's up?

Kris: (Makes a two birds kissing with their hands)

Susie/Noelle: !! (Blushes)

Kris: (Snickers)

Susie: Dude! That's not funny! (Still blushing)

Noelle: ........(blushes red)

Susie: A-Anyway! Let's bust open this stupid bunker-!

(The bunker's doors opened by itself)

Susie's POV
What the hell just happened?! The doors opened by itself?! What the fuck is going on here?!? I'm so confused! I said to Kris.. "Hey Kris, any idea what the hell just happened?"
Kris shook their head with a shrug.. what kind of shitty magic is this!?

Kris's POV
Well that's something you never see everyday..Susie's about to bust open the damn thing which it apparently opened itself..Susie, Noelle and I are like... What The Fuck Just Happened?! I approach closer to the bunker's entrance and all I can see is black..and darkness.. until.. I heard something...a sounds very familiar....could it can't be..

???: H-Hey Kris?

I heard the familiar's calling my name.. I then see a figure with a glimpse of a green clothing, a pink scarf...and glowing white eyes.. I spoke faintly.. "R-R-Ralsei?" The figure run up to me which made me almost cried when I saw best friend...the fluffy goat Ralsei hugged with a face of joy..

Ralsei: I missed you so much!!

Kris: R-Ralsei..I can't believe.. i-it's you!

Ralsei: Yes Kris it's me!!

Susie: Ralsei! (Goes in for the group hug)

Susie: God I miss you, little buddy!

Ralsei: (Giggles) I missed you too, Susie!

Kris's POV
Ralsei...I thought I would never see him again after all that we ever been through together...what is this..weird feeling when I'm looking at him..? I can't put my finger on it.. it's just...every time I saw him with that cute smile of his.. I feel my heart always skipped a beat...and my face feels burning...I have no idea what is this feeling exactly...maybe I'll find out sooner or later..

Ralsei: (Notices Kris staring at him) s-something wrong, Kris?

Kris: Huh? Oh! I-It's nothing..nothing at all..😅

Ralsei: O-Ok..(Blushes a teeny tiny bit)


Welp! That's all for today's chapter!! I hope you all enjoyed it so far! If you are, then I'm glad to do more Kris x Ralsei^^ if you're nice enough, you can give me some ideas for the future updates!! That's all from me..

Onyx out

I hope you liked the pictures and the video.. I do not own any of these! I only own the story/fanfiction.. Deltarune belongs to the legendary Toby Fox..

DELTARUNE (Kris x Ralsei ♥️)Where stories live. Discover now