the beginning

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Choi Y/N
It's another day of school... as i like to call it "hell". I can't believe people actually enjoy this place, it's the most depressing, anxiety building place, who would enjoy that?

You make your way to your classroom, as you're walking you start to lose yourself. This happens a lot, you'll be walking and your mind consumes you and takes you to a safe fantasy in your brain. You guessed it happens because you hated school. Hate is a strong word but if it was towards school it didn't seem enough to describe how bad you hated this place. There was of course perks to school like your best friends Minji and Woohyun, you're only friends. You didn't find any point in talking and making anymore friends, all that ever did to you was cause trouble and nothing ever ended well, so you stuck with a small amount of friends.

You finally arrived outside your class. Part of you wished the walk here was longer but you have to be here in time so you're not late.
Guess I should get this over and done with... Only a year left of this and then you're free.
You slowly open the classroom door, the sound of students gets louder and louder with every push to open the door. Once you're in the room your eyes scan around the room and then land on the seats that your friends always occupied during class. You make eye contact with Woohyun and he smiles at you. "Woohyun oppa!" Yes, he's older than you, he's one of the oldest in the year and you happen to be one of the youngest. "Hey Y/N" he chuckles and you make your way over to his seat. "Where's Minji?" you question him. It's weird that she isn't here, she's always here before you are.
Muwahahahaha, I got here before Minji! That's something to tease her about later :3.
Woohyun puts down his pen then pulls back the seat next to him. You sit down in the now pulled out chair and wait for him to speak. "Honestly, I don't know where she is, I was surprised to see that I got here before she did. She's almost always here studying or fangirling over guys when i get here." Oh yes, I failed to mention that Minji is obsessed with guys, not students but famous older guys, it's her weakness. "That's weird..." you mumble. "Maybe her bus is late or she slept in?" Woohyun looks at you with a questioning look. "Slept in?! That girl wakes up so early!" She sure does, sleepover with Minji are hell because she's always awake first and you could sleep until midday if you had the chance. Because she wakes up first it gives her lots of opportunities to "prank" you. Normally she would draw all over your face with sharpie and the problem with sharpie is that it doesn't come off easily, it takes days for it to fully wash off. One day when Minji decided to draw all over your face in sharpie you had to go to school, you wore a face mask for days until all the sharpie disappeared. That was hell because it was the middle of summer too, the mask made your face all sweaty and disgusting.

Just as Woohyun was about to talk there came a loud crash near the door. You quickly look over to discover a panting Minji rushing through the door and towards you and Woohyun. "Y/N! WOOHYUNNIE!" The look on Woohyun's face turned into a horrified face. Minji doesn't call him Woohyunnie unless she is excited, like REALLY excited. But what is there to be excited about? It's just school. "GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT!" she continued to scream in our faces. "Minji-ah, calm down and tell us already. I'm not gonna guess." Woohyun tried to shush her because she was attracting a lot of the classes attention. Minji slowly looked around the room to see that all eyes were on her she let out a little "sorry" then she turned to face us again. "I'm sorry i'm just excited." God this girl is like a source of pure happiness, i'm so glad to call her my best friend. "Excited about what? This is school, it's hell, nothing to be excited about."
"Gosh Y/N lighten up a little bit, enjoy school why you still have it, you'll miss it when we all leave to go live our lives." She has a point, maybe i should enjoy this year, but miss it? never.
"Yeah, yeah, now spill the tea. Why are you so excited?" She took a deep breath, oh no... Then she suddenly blurted out, "We have a new student joining our class-"
"So?" Her eyes slowly were fixed on yours and she looked at you like you were crazy or something. Her face scrunched up as she began to speak, "What do you mean, "so?". If you really should know this student happens to be a guy." Oh that's why... "Maybe he will be your type." She winked at me and began smirking.
Minji has been trying for years to find me the perfect guy to date, she says maybe it'll "cure me", what she means by that is that I won't be miserable every time I turn up to school. I don't know why she tries, I mean I know she cares and that's probably why she's trying but i'm perfectly fine by myself.
You look towards Woohyun for help, your face cries "help" and he just bursts out laughing, he knows what Minji has been trying to do to you for the past few years and honestly he finds it so amusing, you can imagine him watching from afar with popcorn as Minji shoves you into another guy. It's annoying.

"I don't know why you still try to get me to date anymore, it doesn't work, what's the use?" She picks you up from the chair you were sitting in and sits in it herself. You pout and she just looks up and smiles at you. "You just haven't found the right one yet." And with that she takes out her books and starts studying. That's your queue to leave and go to your seat. You look at Woohyun and wave a little, then you drag yourself to your seat. It is situated at the back of the class next to the window, it's not a great view outside but it's nice to look at in the middle of lessons to distract you from the horrid work. You sit down and take out your books too. The lesson is soon to start. You pop in your headphones and listen to music, you're tired and soon you drift off to sleep but before you do without realising the bell rings and the door opens...

Jeon Jungkook
The teacher opens the door to the classroom and instantly everyone is silent, probably because i'm a new face to them. Honestly i hate new schools, but this is my punishment for causing all that trouble. We had to escape before we got caught again. I wish i could just control you...

The teacher told me to come in and introduce myself. I stood up in front of the class, this gave me the chance to take a look at my new classmates. My eyes browsed around the room across all the girls trying to get my attention and the guys too, they were all practically drooling, i'm known to turn guys gay. My hyungs tease me because i used to get a lot of confessions from guys, almost as much as i did girls. My eyes were suddenly pulled to the back corner where a girl was sleeping. I felt my heart begin to beat faster. It's probably just nerves. "Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook. Please take care of me..." I couldn't stop staring at that girl... What is this?
"Nice to meet you Mr Jeon, you can sit next to Ms Choi in the back." She pointed to the same girl in the back that i kept staring at. All of a sudden I became more nervous. "Try wake her up while you're at it, good luck." I nodded and made my way to my new seat. The girl looked so cute while sleeping, she looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake her. After a few moments I poked her. Electricity instantly moved through my body, what is this feeling? She stirred in her sleep. I poked her again and you could tell she was starting to get annoyed. Eventually she opened her eyes...

Choi Y/N
this is heaven
ouch, what is going on?
*poke poke*
ughhhhhh leave me alone!
Your eyes opened and you gave the guy sitting next to you an angry expression, "Yah! Why did you do that?" He doesn't look familiar, he must be the new guy Minji was talking about. "Seonsaengnim t-told me to..." He started stuttering.
Omg... he's so cute... WAIT WHAT?! WHAT AM I SAYING?! Yahhh Y/N stop it!
A blush crept on his face, I knew then i was staring. "A-ah i'm sorry-" you turn to face the front of the class and listen to the teacher as she starts her lecture. You can feel a pair of eyes staring at you. You look at Minji and find her smirking at me, god this girl is gonna kill me i swear...



Finally! I finally starting writing again!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to this new book, i'm gonna finish this book this time, I promise.

I need a better book cover for this cause i'm not too good at making them and with writing and school I don't have much time to make a decent cover. If you want to make a cover for this book you can! Just message me the picture and maybe i'll use it as the cover for this book! :)

I'm gonna start working on the second chapter now and hopefully it will be out tomorrow!

Thank you for reading!

Bye! x :)

WORDS: 1703

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