Save Me

38 14 15

*this chapter contains slightly R rated contents.*

Chapter 11

Silence hangs between us as a gorgeous male voice stops our giggling and grooming.


I see Alucard standing at the door looking at me. Nora's mouth dropped. I don't know how to handle the compliment I just received from my employer.

"Lets go." He is back to his formal attitude and goes for the lift, like the last few seconds were a mistake. What's with his switching between cuteness and crudeness in seconds. I look back at Nora. She is gaping. I hope it's not his first time complimenting his personal assistant.

I pull her by her elbow and drag her along with me. We reach the designated floor and see the floor is already decorated. I bet this is the floor where they shoot for advertisement. There is a small stage setup with dj playing on one side and a minibar at another corner of room. Wow! He did all this? For me? My ears heat up. I need drinks.

I walk up to the minibar to get a cocktail. I see Max waving at me from the corner of the dj side already busy dancing with Maya. I wave back at him. He gestures me to join him. I gracefully decline and make a mental note to tell him that peck on my cheek was very inappropriate.I search the dance floor but can't see Nora anywhere. Already alone in my own party. I take slow sips not to get drunk fast and wasted. Soon the party starts full fledged and I'm already drunk. The dance floor fills up.

"Enjoying the party?" I look towards my left and see an Arabian guy, with long black eye lashes, sitting on a bar stool.

"Yeah." I nod and search the room to find Nora.

"Can I get you a free drink?" He says so , leaning into the bar stand sitting on the stool, relaxed.

I giggle, I know by now I'm high. "Yes please." He orders something. I look at him through the corner of my eyes. He is somewhat hot by definition. Copper hair, tanned skin. A ripped body, absolutely drool worthy. Is everyone so God damn hot here?

He hands me his special drink. I take a sip from it. It's sweet yet burning.

"Thanks!" I shout out as the music starts growing louder.

"Are you the new girl everyone talking bout?" he shouts back

" I am the new girl. Don't know if they talk bout me all the time." He leans in his face to listen, I can feel the heat emanating from him.

"Yep they are." He winks.

"Are they talking good?" I gulp down the last bit fast.

"All good things for the new beauty."

"Should I be worried?" I turn back to order the same thing again. I look out for Alucard this time when the Asian prince charming chuckles.

"No you don't have to be." I look at the glass and chug it down.

"Easy on the drinks." He says laughing, still holding onto his mug. I get a little bit more daring. Maybe it's the special drink he made for me. I pull his hand and sip on his mug. He looks at me bemused.

"I'll have what he's having." The bartender hands me a big mug. I start gulping it.

"Are you on a drunken mission?" He grins bewildered by me. I search for Alucard, why is he not here? I thought he likes me, why is he so far fetched??? I love him more, when he is in my dreams. I pout and look at my mug. He flicks his fingers twice in front of my face.

"Huh?" I get startled

" Wanna join me on the dance floor?" He holds out his beautiful hands. I put my hand in his just to feel his long fingers and imagine someone else's. I gesture one minute with another hand and drink the mug empty slamming it on the table.

"Let's do it!" I shout out. He pulls me in his embrace and shares a look that promises more than just a dance. But I am too drunk to pay attention to the hints. I will deal with it later.

"This song is a bomb!" I shout in his ear when his hair touches my nose and I can smell the masculine gel smell dissipating from him. It's heady.

"I know right? Let's get you moving."

We smoothly glide through the dance floor onto the middle and start crazy dancing. Our moves were almost sexual. Crazy, drunk and entirely hormonal. Bet this will grab HIS attention. We dance like I belong to this man and he owns me. And in the darkness and flashes of light of the dance floor I see Alucard staring at us. Everything surrounding him is pure darkness and It slowly creeps into my entire vision until in this place only him and I exist. The crazy movements seizes to exist and I was reaching out only for him. He starts coming towards me slowly, the way only he can, to show he wants me and I stay in one position because I don't like this chase anymore. I want to be sure if these are not just my hallucinations. I don't have the strength to deny that I like him. I am in awe with each part of his being. He is just...

Suddenly I feel a kiss on my neck and shoulder. I jump up.

"Wow wow. Slow down there." But he is holding me from back and my voice is almost inaudible in this noise. I try to get out of his hold but my strength has left me and he isn't stopping anywhere. His hands are lifting my dress up my thighs . I push my elbows but he is too big for me, his hand is up my hips and he is tearing into my underwear with his finger.

"Let me goo." I whimper out as he keeps kissing my neck.

He turns my face and I only see green and red flashes. He kisses my mouth but I pull my head back. He forcefully squeezes my cheeks to open my lips and pushes his tongue inside me. I moan with the pain he causes holding my face that way.

"Pleasee. " tear starts pooling in my eyes. My legs are failing me.
His hands are grabbing onto me, groping every where and I can't do anything. The lights are simple flashes and I can't even recognise the guy. My vision is blurry.

"Noo pleaseee stop." He pulls his face back as he starts dragging me off the dance floor. Why is no one noticing me? I try and push my arms but it's all in vain. Tears start wetting my cheeks.

"There there princess, we are almost there."

I am not completely unconscious but my body is not working the way I want it to. I want to run , I want to scream but the only thing I am able to do is plead. We are almost out of the door.

"Let me goo." I groan and cry out. He swings me over his shoulder like I am an old rag and carries me to a dark empty room. My body is getting completely paralyzed but somehow my conscience doesn't leave me.

"I can't hear u." he says musically and chuckles laying me down . I look around but with my blurry vision I can't really see anything.

He shuts the door but the subtle noise is bursting in my ears.

"You won't remember me tomorrow. This is just a dream. And remember you said yes to this. You wanted this. You want me. Don't you?"

I keep looking around trying to feel anything. I don't feel my body. Tears keep escaping my eyes.
He holds my cheeks and makes me looks at him.

"Look at me when I talk to you." He says rubbing his teeth together, hissing . I try to pull my face away. He lets go and slaps me hard. I moan in pain.

"No worries. Soon you will only see me."

He unbuttons his pants and open his flies. Pulling my dress off to my waist he gets on me. I shut my eyes close. He holds me by my neck, squeezing his long fingers around me. I gasp to breathe, while he forces his tongue inside me again, bruising me. I feel him, hard and hungry, while he starts rubbing himself on me, his hands groping my chest, pinching lewdly. I try to pull myself away and bite him when he gets up still holding onto my neck.

"Dumb bitch!!" And slaps me again, only harder this time.
I bite my cheek and taste blood.

"Looookk at meeeee."


** Hey my lovely readers. I have my exams going on. So sorry for the late updates. Hope you enjoy it. Yours kilz.***

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