Chapter one

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I woke up to the sound of the core rumbling from outside. I dressed in my regular grey sweater, black pants, and a lab coat. I stretched and stuck my head out the window and breathed in the dry air of Hotland. I sighed slowly and deeply and frowned at the stinging feeling I felt. I lifted my sleeve to glance at the healed over and new cut marks I had Made I was going to roll my sleeve up when I noticed something different I look back quickly noticing the new bruise mixed in among many others. 'Not again' I thought. I tried healing it but with the new medication, Gaster has me testing makes it so healing myself is not possible at the moment. I huff slightly and cover it over again with my sleeve and making my exit. I made my way downstairs to greet the usual scene. My brother sans at the table also in the attire to go to the lab, Gaster my Fathe-Caretaker drinking his usual morning whiskey. I nod to him and continued on with my day. I had just made myself some coffee and sat next to Sans. "What are you working on now?" he asked me as I dug some blueprints from my pocket. "Well brother it is a new machine design not quite sure where it's going to go from here but we'll have to see. Designing takes time and effort something you will learn as you grow," I say. His eyes light up "I wanna help!" he said slamming his hands on the table shaking the cups letting some of the contents inside spill onto the table.
"Sans please the table," Gaster said grabbing something to clean the mess, "sorry dad," Sans said rubbing the back of his skull. I flinch slightly at the name hearing brings memories to my mind that I don't want to remember. Sans flashed me a concerned look. I smiled to cover it up " sorry I thought I heard something from the core must be an air leak in one of the pipes." I lied. Gaster gave me an emotionless look before sighing and pushing his glasses up more on to the bridge of his nose "we should start heading to the lab." I nod quickly gathering my blueprints and shoving them back in my pocket.

We made it to the lab in about five minutes. As the royal scientists, it was best that we live closer in case something was to go wrong or there's a malfunction in the core. I snapped out of my in head monologue when I heard the sound of the lab doors open. I started making my way to my office Sans close on my tail. I can tell he was happy to be here unlike some of us I opened the doors and let Sans close them behind him. "So how are we going to start?" He asked me enthusiastically as usual. I smiled well first I'm going to need some supplies, can you get them for me?" I ask smiling politely. "but pap I don't wanna I'm too lazy." He said frowning "Alright lazy bones if you won't get them I will. Be right back." I say handing Sans the crumpled blueprints from my pocket. He grabbed them eagerly and began going over and making small adjustments. I closed the door quietly behind me. I walked down the hall passing by a few empty containment rooms. I was soon approaching one of the many open work spaces the one that Gaster works at. I groaned at the sight of him working away on something. I tried creeping my way past him. It failed terribly "Papyrus, just the skeleton I was looking for." He said grinning in a way that made my stomach turn. "Y-yes Gaster?" I said straightening my posture. "Come over this way for a minute there's something I want to show you." I grimace at the question but casually make my way over. Gaster turned away before quickly spinning back holding something in his hands. He then shot his hand in the air making me flinch but I look to see he was holding a vile slightly glowing red. "Do you know what this is?" He asked me, his voice with a tint of excitement. "Determination!" I said reaching for the vile, he jerked it away from my hand. "Indeed it is and I have a plan that may work...but," He said turning away slowly. It was all too clear to understand. "Gaster whatever it is I'm not doing it," I said. My voice cracked and full of fear. "Papyrus..." He said, "I didn't say you were doing this." HIs grin evil dark and full of the urge to inflict pain on me and the only one left in my life, Sans. "Gaster you can't do that!" I yelled. I prepared myself to run. I would grab Sans and all our things and stay with the king, He would understand. Gater turned to me holding a needle with determination inside. "Sans would be too risky, and the underground needs me to finally be rid of the underground. You and Sans are completely useless. Papyrus this won't take long calm down and listen to what I'm asking of you." I was shaking and slowly backing away. He was slowly making his way towards me I panicked and grabbed a pencil and tried jabbing it into his socket. The attempt failed, He grabbed my wrist. "Fine if you won't corporate the I'll do it myself." He grumbled darkly shoving my hand ruffly onto the desk behind me and shoving his shoulder into mine holding my arm in place. I couldn't wrench my arm free. He pulled up my sleeve to reveal an array of orange cuts and bruises covering my arm. I tried kicking my legs furiously. I yelled for him to stop he didn't listen to any for my pleas. With a low deep growl, he pushed down. I screamed as I felt the red liquid spill into my bloodstream, forever changing my soul. He then pulled the needle from my arm and pushing me away from him. "That wasn't so hard now was it?" He asked frowning down at me. I rubbed the tears that had fallen from my eyes. "It was very hard." I disagree "well maybe if you had listened it would have been quick and painless." He said wiping some of my blood from his hands. An action he had done far too many times. "also-" He grabbed my jaw and brought it up forcing me to face him. I barely blinked before I Felt the sting of something collide with my cheek, "what the fuck was that for?" I questioned angerly "That's what happens when you don't listen. Oh and if you act like that again I'll just see if Sans would help me out?" I glared daggers at him. "you wouldn't..." "I would..." He smiled in a way that sent chills down my spine. He wasn't lying. "You may leave, You have no more use to me today, do I make myself clear?" Gaster asked more or less demanded. I nodded, "yes Doctor." "Good." He sneered. His lips once again curling into a thin wide smile. I turned and walked away slowly walking back to my office holding my arm. Ithe pain from the shot was unbearable and my head felt like hell.

I made it back my hand still curled around my arm as I entered the room. "heya Pap!" Sans said with a toothy smile but it soon turned into a frown. "you doing ok?" he asked me his voice laced with worry. "of course! ON my way back Gaster said that I didn't look the best and has sent me home." I say taking my bag and setting my things inside. "Ok but what about the project?" I forgot about that "dammit, I'm sorry Sans I can go back for them-" "no its ok I will. Its about time I stop being such a lazy bone anyway." Sans said and shrugged it off. "Thank you," I said walking to the door. I placed a hand on the knob "Sans?" I asked, "yeah Pap?" "Just avoid Gaster for today, he doesn't seem to be a ray of sunshine." I manage to breathe without letting tears escape my eyes. "Heh, he never is Pap." I heard Sans reply with a low chuckle. "ha yeah..." With that, I closed the door and made my way home.

I had returned not to long after leaving the lab I opened the door to my house and took in the smell of alcohol and lavender, home. I thought to myself. Moments later I had gone to my room and placed my bag on my bed. I then made my way to my sock drawer and rummaged around the neatly placed cotton rolls till my fingers brushed against something that didn't feel like a sock. I wrapped my fingers around it and pulled it free of its soft white prison. It was a pill bottle it read Papyrus one tablet per day prescribed by Doctor.W.D.Gaster. I looked at it for a moment and then walked over to my bag opening it and spilling out everything that was inside. I then grabbed a water bottle one of the many things in my bag. I Looked at a pill I had taken from the bottle and layed in my hand, 'I don't HAVE to...' but something inside me made me think that he is watching and that he always will no matter what it feels like I don't have a choice. I looked once more before putting the pill in my mouth and swallowing a mouth full of water. After that, I layed on my bed and let sleep consume me and thought 'That's enough for today...'

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