Chapter 5

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It was just a regular day for the young skeleton, Papyrus yawned looking over to see his brother sound asleep in his lap on the couch. Papyrus looked at the clock '5 hours' he said to himself. With a small 'huff' slowly putting the smaller of the two on the couch and patting his head. "I'll be back brother," He said in a mere whisper. Papyrus trotted downstairs to the lab he had visited many times for checkups since Dad said the doctors here were "Trashy" and/or " A waste of time seeing when you can do better than them." Papyrus laughed lightly at the insults his father had made. But his laughter was cut short when he heard loud banging coming from the end of the dark and bland hallway. He always hated the colors of the lab and always tries to lighten it up, when he was just a toddler he used to draw and paint pictures and then ask politely for them to be hung up on the walls.  he was hesitant on the next corner for the loud banging had turned to slight screams and glass being broken. Papyrus flinched at this but pressed on, with a determined look on his face he turned to make his way towards his father's lab. he was just about to the tall and rusted door when it broke open and a tall slender lab coat came tumbling out cursing under his breath before turning to see his son standing in the darkened hallway. Gasters face had been broken too long deep cracks one going up on one eye the other going down. "D-dad?" Papyrus asked shocked at the state his father was in, there was only one thing to do now. Help him! Papyrus ran to his Dad wrapping his tiny arms around one of the doctor's legs. "It's going to be ok Dad I can help you!" Papyrus said his tiny laugh carrying out through the hall"Papyrus..." he hissed so quietly it was a whisper. Papyrus tilted his head "dad? are you ok?" He asked his cheerfulness his hope his smile all drained in those words. Gaster turned to him his face looked as if it had popped out of a horror movie and the doctors smile sent shivers down the spine"Papyrus..." He said again black oozing from in between his toothy smile. "Dad I-I'm going to call t-the doctor d-dad, stay there I'll-I'll be back," Papyrus said stepping back down to the entrance door his eyes still on his father, Papyrus just put his hand on the doorknob when all of a sudden gaster came charging towards his at the speed of sound. "PAPYRUS HELP ME!" Gaster screeched just as the tiny skeleton was able to slip through the door slamming it behind himself. Papyrus heard his breathing quicken as he was about to go to the phone when he heard a small voice "Pap? Everything ok?" "Sans what are you doing I thought you were asleep?" Papyrus asked his younger brother "I can sleep through a lot of things but not slamming doors" he said rubbing one of his 'eyes' "Hey is Dad in there?" sans asked a hint of worry showed on his face "Yes..." Papyrus sighed "something happened and I don't know what I'm going to call the doctor." Papyrus said calmly "Can I see him?" Sans asked reaching for the doorknob "No! sans don't!" But papyrus was not quick enough, it was as if everything was in slow motion a white glistening bone shot through the lab door hitting Sans square in the left eye socket. "NO!" Papyrus yelled running for the phone and dialed the number for the hospital. "hello underground health system how can I help?" someone said on the line "Help!" Papyrus pleaded "It's my dad, Doctor Gaster? please, something happened to him! And my brother his eye! he's not moving!" Papyrus said through sobs. "Doctor Gaster the royal scientist? That one?...alright we have your location please do not hang up you need to stay on the line, alright." The monster on the line said in a calming tone helping Papyrus to explain what had happened. "Doctor Gaster is your dad right?" The monster asked. Papyrus sniffed "Yeah..." "Oh that must mean your one of his sons, Sans-no you don't sound like his so you must be Papyrus." Papyrus smiled "You know my name?" He asked shyly. "Of course I do! The doctor will not stop talking about you two, It's quite adorable how much he cares about you." Papyrus laughs "yes Sans and I really love him a lot." Papyrus said into the phone his smile faltering a little for the worries of his brother. The monster laughs "You seem even nicer than the doctor says...hmm?...alright...Papyrus I have to go now but the doctors will be there any minute Can you take your brother and wait outside for them? They will make sure you and your brother are safe and they might drive you down here and if they do I'll come to see you ok?" the monster asked "Ok! Bye" papyrus said. " "haha, bye Papyrus." The monster laughs calmly. Papyrus hung up the phone and ran to the spot scooping his brother into his arms and made a mad dash for the door. He got to the door of the lab and stopped he could hear loud screaming and a constant bang on the door. "Dad?" Papyrus asked. The banging stopped "D-dad the doctors are coming to get you, don't worry they'll make you better, they'll take care of you, you and Sans, you'll both get better, I can come to visit you and Sans can come to see you when he's better, I love you Dad" Papyrus said a tang of anxiety shot through him at the sound of his father's voice from the other side. "papyrus I'm-I'm sorry..." Gaster said from the other side "and I...I- l-love you two...Very very much...I'm s-sorry if  I scared you... or hurt you...whatever I have done Please forgive me... " There was coughing from the other side of the door. Papyrus so badly wanted to thrash open the door and hug his father but he had to go, he had to keep his brother safe. "papyrus?" Gaster asked from the other side of the door. "Y-yeah dad?" papyrus pressed his head against the door to hear his father whisper the words "Don't forget, my son." Tears escaped from Papyrus's eye sockets "I won't." He whispered back his voice cracking from crying and trying to breathe. papyrus's head drifted from the lab door and ran out the front door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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