Chapter 2

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The sound of doors slamming woke me with a jolt surging through my body. I shook it off as nothing and walked out of my room to the bathroom on the far end of the hallway. The bathroom door locks behind me with a light click sound. The room is silent, all I could hear was my own breathing. Looking from the side to the window I see the faint red glow for the core. I walked over to the sink and washed my face with cold water hoping this would wake me up. I dry my face with a towel I had set beside the sink and looked in the mirror for a brief moment before snapping back to look at myself again. My eyes widened as I saw they were the color red, blood red. I rubbed them a little and looked back in the mirror, crimson shone all over my features, My hand shook as I brought it up to touch them. They felt soft glassy like. With shaky movements, I reach for something to cover them with, nothing. I sigh deeply as I go to leave the bathroom. I made my way to the stairs, I was just about to pass Gasters room when it abruptly opened widely. I stared at him as he observed the hall until his eyes had landed on mine. He stood for a moment before fixing his crooked posture before observing my features once again. He smiled greedily before He then nodded to himself and what seemed he had done was run back to his room to record his new-found discovery. I watched only for a moment before quickly making my way downstairs. I rummaged through the drawer to come across a pair of sunglasses I shoved them on my face as soon as I heard footsteps from the other room. "Hey Pap, how ya feel?" I hear Sans chirp from the other room. "Oh, I'm feeling just great! In fact, I think I'll go visit it the king, bye!" I say quickly before rushing out the door. I did not want an interrogation but I also felt uneasy leaving him there with Gaster, I pushed the thought into the back of my mind and pressed on to the capital

I made my way slowly to New Home hoping the king would have time for me. I get to the entrance and knock slightly, the door opens wide to reveal a man around Gasters age. One of the strongest monsters I know apart from Sans and Gaster. "Howdy Papyrus, come inside." He bellowed "Thankyou." I smiled stepping inside the warm house taking in the faint smell of tea. "So, how is the Doctor?" King Asgore asked a light chuckle in his voice as he turned the kettle off with a small click sound. "He's...Ok..." I said looking to the side a little. "Something seems to be troubling you, care to talk about it?" He asked a tint of awareness but it had almost been drowned in kindness as he poured me a cup and gently passing it to me "alright.." I gave in. "I...I need a place for me and Sans to stay. Just for a while, we won't be long, a week at most, I promise." I blurted shoving my hands down on my lap and holding my lips together holding my breath. Thoughts erupted in my mind, what if he says no? I can find a place somewhere else maybe, He'll come to look for us if we're not with Asgore even if we were unless I tell the king what Gasters been doing. Will the King believe me? "It does not matter to me you may stay as long as you like," Asgore said lightly placing a soft hand on my shoulder. "Thank you..." I say taking in the sent of tea and flowers. "May I ask why my child?" He asked. I stiffened, I knew this question was going to pop up if I asked to stay.  I took a deep breath in and took off the sunglasses I had nearly forgot about and moving my eye lights to meet his eyes. "B-because I'm s-scared of him," I say and let the tears I've held back for a long time fall slowly on to my clenched hands. I hear a slight gasp as Asgore placing a hand on my cheek and bringing my face to meet his. he stared directly into my sockets. "So he did this, Gaster I mean..." I slowly nodded. He wiped some of the tears away. "Please don't say anything to anyone about this not even Sans I don't want him involved..." I pleaded. Asgore nodded "I will not but at some point, you must know that he will find out, he is a very smart person." "I know..." I sigh in defeat. "Here's an idea, If your nervous about coming over I can meet with you at your house and walk you here..." Asgore suggested "are you sure? You're a very busy person and must have a tight schedule to stick to..." I say, "Not at all my child I will be over to get you two in three hours ok?" He asked me smiling widely. The smile made me feel safe. The king's smile put my mind at ease unlike when Gaster smiles, Gaster smiles in a way that makes his lips curl in and it's thin and wide. Asgore and Gaster are two very different people. I think I have made the right choices for now.

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