And everything went south

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~Lucas POV~

"Why do you want him!?" I yell at Nightmare Steve. Why does he want Sabre? Whatever he wants, he isn't going to get it, we won't let him!
"That's not important. Now, where is Sabre?!" Nightmare Steve coldly replies.
"Like we'd tell you!" Rainbow Steve yells at him.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to do this the hard way." Nightmare Steve says as he starts attacking us with lightning.

~Sabre's POV~

Nonononononono! This is bad! This is bad! Nightmare Steve in now attacking them! What do I do? What do I do?! Then, it hits me. There is one thing I can do, but it is very dangerous.

I look back at my friends. They are getting really hurt, I need to stop him! I quickly wright a sign to tell them a few things. Like if I am not back in a few days, I am probably captured. I take a deep breath, and yell.

"HEY NIGHTMARE STEVE! IF YOU WANT TO FIND ME SO BAD, YOUR GONNA HAVE TO CATCH ME!" I yell. Once I see Nightmare Steve take off to grab me, I fly off with my elytra. I looked back every once in a while to make sure he followed me, and he did

~Lucas POV~

"SABRE!!!!!" We all yell as we see him fly off with Nightmare Steve chasing after him.
"We have to go after them!" Rainbow Steve yells.
"I know, but we can't! Sabre used his elytra to fly off, none of us can fly right now besides Lucas with his elytra! And myself!" Light Steve exclaims.
"I think he put something on the tree earlier." Plague Steve says.
"Then let's check it out." I reply.
"But what if he's hurt?" Rainbow asks.
"He's smart, I'm sure he'll be fine." I reassure him, even though I am not to sure myself.

He sighs in defeat and we make our way to the tree. Even though we didn't show it, we were all scared for him.

~Sabre POV~

I kept flying, until he surrounded me in lava.
"Oh no! Oh no! OH NO!" I said, I was about to fly out, when he covered the top in obsidian.
"Finally, after all these years, I have trapped you." Nightmare Steve said as he walked closer to me. I just kept backing away, until I was a centimetre away from the lava.

"Why are you doing this man?!" I yelled at him.
"So nobody can stop me!" He replies. Suddenly, everything goes dark.

"Goodnight 'Sabre'"

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