"Why is my heart fluttering?"

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Your POV

"Finally, it was time for me to go to lunch. I had done Math, English and Science class so, now, it was lunchtime. I grabbed my (Favorite color) bento box and headed straight to the large, cafeteria that was very loud and crowded and the walls were painted a nice, bright, white color. I marched around, looking for Hatsune-chan, all over the lunchroom. I then noticed a mop of teal hair and knew right away, it was Miku. She was sitting all alone, which surprised me, I thought a bunch of people would be crowded around her, blubbering about how sweet she was. Miku also had a bright, blue bento box with some sushi inside and a packet of soy sauce. I made my way over to Miku's table which made her look up at me, along with a smile, spread across her face. "Oh, hi, (Your name)-kun! Take a seat!" She expressed. I nodded and took a seat across from the tealette. I placed my bento down, in front of me and began to eat some of the ramen noodles, my mom packed me, last night. I fiddled with the chopsticks, while, dropping scoops of ramen into my mouth and savoring the amazing taste. Miku finished her sushi and closed her bento. "So, is math your hardest subject?" Miku finally spoke. I nodded, slightly embarrassed. "Yeah... ah ha, it's kind of confusing." I admitted. Miku nodded, in an understanding gesture. "That's okay, I understand you. I feel the same way about literature... eh, it's so boring and there's too many words." Miku responded. I looked into her soft, teal eyes. I never really got a good glance at her eyes but, now that I see them, they're really pretty. They're shiny and so bright, kind of like teal versions of sapphires. "I'm actually good at literature but, math no, not so much." I added. (A/N: I feel the same way, (Your name)-kun feels and sorry, if you're good at math or bad at reading, it's just random lol) "Really?! Wow!! That's cool!" Miku cheered, as she closed her eyes and clapped her hands. "Heh, heh, I'd rather be good at math, though." I disagreed. "If you ever need help, you can ask me, okay?" Miku told me, with a sweet grin. "Yeah, thanks." I replied, gratefully. "Do you like school?" Hatsune wondered, while staring into my orbs. "Nah, not really. It's hard and filled with rude people." I answered, as honest as I could be. Miku giggled. "Ha, ha! I agree." She told me. I smiled. Maybe, Miku wasn't as bad as everyone else, here. "Hey, Miku!" I heard someone call. Miku and I turned to see a girl with red hair, tied into two curled, twintails. "Yes, Teto?" Miku asked. "Come to our table!" The girl demanded, while, giving me an extremely, dirty look. "Uh... no thanks." Miku refused. She'd rather stay with me, than go with her friends? What? Teto, I think her name is, gave her a shocked look. "WHAT?! Why?!" She hissed, trying to make Miku change her mind. Miku shook her head. "I just don't want to." The teal haired girl, coolly answered. "So, you'd rather hang out with this... THIS FLEA?!" Teto roared, while, pointing to me and looking utterly, disgusted. (A/N: Don't take any rude things the characters call you, personal. They don't really mean it and neither do I. You're not a flea, you're perfect, the way you are. :) "Teto, cut it out." Miku told the red head. "UGH! You'll come crawling over to us, tomorrow!" Teto sassed, flipped her bright, red hair and stomped away back to her table of 'friends'. "Sorry, about her." Miku apologized. "It's fine." I assured her. Honestly, Teto could go and deal with her own crap. "Are people always like this, to you?" Miku wondered, as her eyes filled up with concern and a splash of guilt. I nodded and popped the word, 'yup' out of my lips. Miku sighed and threw her used, napkins away. "Hey, (Your name)?" I heard Miku say. "Hmm?" I hummed and turned around to face her. "It was nice talking to you." Miku informed me. For some weird, my heart began to tingle and skip a beat. A wave of flusteredness, flew over me. "Y-you too." I replied, shyly and walked away, my heart still fluttering. What kind of feeling was this? And why towards Miku? I had never, ever felt this way about someone, before so, why now? Nothing made sense to me. I let out a long sigh before, jumping onto my (Favorite color), bike, pressing down the right pedal and pedaling home. For some reason, I couldn't wait to see Miku again, the next day, talk to her and have the time of my life. It was weird, I know."

Hatsune Miku X Male reader "The Girl With Real Emotion"Where stories live. Discover now