"Goodbye, Teto"

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Miku's POV

"Me and (Your name) had decided to walk home, together. We were skipping on the side walk around the block. "AHH! Miku you're so fast!" (Your name) panted making, me realize I was ahead of him. I was a fast skipper, so, he was right. I giggled. "Skipping is so much, fun!" I beamed. I stopped and waited to let (Your name) catch his breath and catch up with me. Once he did, we continued walking rather than skipping. "Uh, Miku? Do you wanna stay over at my place, for a while?" (Your name) suddenly asked. My eyes widened and I turned to him, while, smiling brightly in excitement. "YES!!" I agreed, with a jump of excitement. "Okay, we're only two houses away from my place." He informed me. After, walking by two tall, houses we walked up to his house. (Your name)'s house, was quite big - I mean, it wasn't a mansion but, it was pretty tall and large, slightly larger than my place. His house was a painted, a nice shade of (Favorite color) and I honestly liked, it more than my own house. Me and (Your name) walked inside and took a seat on his black, leather couch. "So, what should we do?" I instantly, wondered staring, into his (Eye color) eyes. You know, his eyes were really cool looking, I loved the color. (Eye color) is one of my favorite colors and it's such a nice, bright and unique shade of (Eye color). "Umm, I dunno. What do you wanna do?" asked (Your name). "I guess, we could just watch TV." I suggested, while moving my teal, bangs out of my eyes. He nodded. "Okay." He responded, while, turning on the TV. I somehow had started feeling these weird feelings, whenever, I was around (Your name). I mean, I will admit, he is kind of... attractive. I mean, his hair is such a nice, shade of (Hair color) and his eyes are so innocent and sweet looking, especially when, he smiles. It can't be love? Can it? "Miku-chan! Miku! Miku! Hello? Earth to Miku!!" I heard (Your name) try to get my attention. "What? Huh?!" I snapped, back to reality. (Your name) chuckled. "You were dazing out, a little." He informed me. I let out a small yet, nervous laugh. "Anyways, what should we watch?" I asked. "How about (Favorite anime)?" (Your name) wondered. My eyes lit up in excitement. (Favorite anime) was my favorite anime and though, I've only seen a few episodes, I loved it with all my heart. Me and (Your name) stood about for most of the few hours and watched (Favorite anime). We had a blast!! We even ate popcorn and (Favorite anime) had such an interesting plot and story line and the art style was fabulous!! We watched 14 episode of that anime, by the way. "I'd better go, now. Thank you for having me over, (Your name)." I expressed my gratitude, while, bowing, smiling and then heading out the door, with a wave of my hand, merrily. "Anytime! you're always welcome to come, here." I heard him say, I turned my head to face him and flashed him a smile, that said, "Thank you" and then, went on my way home. I will admit that was fun. Being around (Your name), for some reason, just makes my heart beat much faster than usual and it just seems to skip a beat, for some weird, crazy, reason. I let out a sigh and continued walking on the hard, white concrete until, I found Teto, in front of me. "AHHH!!" I shouted, in a shock and jumped. "Miku, what is wrong with you?!" Teto instantly asked. I could tell by her furious expression, that something was not right. "Teto, what's wrong?!" I asked my best friend. I had known, Teto since, pre-school she was always clingy towards me and always followed me, around and prefers not to make friends with anyone but me and she doesn't want me making new friends, either... which I don't agree with. I mean, she had Neru... but, c'mon now, was she really her friend?! No! Neru uses Teto for popularity unlike, me. "Teto, what's wrong?!" I asked, innocently. "Oh, don't give us, that." I heard someone from behind, Teto say. Out from behind Teto's back, came Neru. Her dark, blonde, hair was tied up into, a long side ponytail. Then, Haku, Lily, Miki, Maika and Lumi came out from behind Teto, as well to back her up. Lumi gave me a dirty look and flipped her white, hair over her shoulder. "Why have you been ignoring us?!" Lily suddenly demanded for an answer, while staring into my eyes, with fire in hers. I gulped. "Please, I have to go home, right now..." I told them, trying to change the topic and not get into any drama. "YOU CAN WAIT!! Why have you been hanging out with that, (Your name) guy, instead of us, Miss Miku?!" Lumi sassed, while giving me a death glare. "Let me go! I need to go home and he's my friend!" I reminded them. "He is NOT your friend!" Teto growled, at me. "Yes, he is! He truly is!" I insisted. Teto rolled her ruby red, eyes. "We're your friends! He's unpopular and we are popular!" Miki added. I couldn't take it anymore, my eyes grew moist with tears and I began to snap. "AT LEAST HE'S ACTUALLY KIND UNLIKE ANY OF YOU!!" I screamed, making everyone gasp at my words. "Miku Hatsune, you little jerk!" Maika hissed. "OUTRAGEOUS!!" "CRUEL!!" "UNBELIEVABLE!!" "JERK!!" I heard them shout at me, in disgust. I gulped, again. "You know, what Miku, fine. It's over! We're done!" Teto delcared. I felt broken, my childhood friend was now done with me. I had remembered all the bonds we had shared, the memories we had made and now it was all thrown in the trash. "And if (Your name) doesn't let you sit at his table, tomorrow, don't you even think about crawling over to our table, crying back to us!" Haku added. I felt like trash, when Haku said that to me. "Besides, we don't even need you!!" Maika added with a 'hmph!' at the end as, Teto and her gang, that I was no longer apart of, walked away, leaving me in tears, crying on the sidewalk on my knees, still in front of (Your name)'s house. I was really going to miss Teto. She was fun to hang around and she used to be really sweet, too. If only popularity didn't eat her up and we'd still be friends. I felt that this was all my fault as, depressive feelings rose inside of me. A tear dropped onto my, black, thigh high as, rain began to fall. I wanted to stay right where, I was. I didn't wanna even move all I wanted to do was turn invisible and hide. I didn't care if I was late home or what my parents said to me. They can yell at me, all they want for all I care. I also didn't care one bit, if anyone like, (Your name) saw me, everyone was gonna make fun of me, anyways. I sat there and let sadness wash over me."

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