"Ice cream lovers"

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The next day

Your POV

"I rode my, shiny, (Favorite color) bike to school taking the usual route, feeling rather excited to see Miku at school, that day. I rode my bike down the, small hill and parked it outside of the school building while, running inside and into the halls to find Miku. Instead, I crashed into someone making us both fall and hit the floor, making a loud bang while, some people stared at us. "Oh, sorry I-" I was about to apologize until, I realized the person, I had bumped into was... Teto. She began fixing her curls, that seemed to be somewhat, 'messed up'. "My curls!" Teto whined like a spoiled brat. "Oh, it's just you." She complained as, if she was expecting a goddess or some perfect person to be there. "Yup." I responded, as I got up and brushed off my black, pants. She got up, too and brushed off her pink, ballerina skirt. "Ha, dork." Teto told me and then left. I sighed and continued walking down the halls while, calling Miku's name. "Miku? Miku!! Miku?! Miku?! MIKU!! MIKU!! MIIIIIIIIIIKKKUUU!!" I called out, while, cupping my mouth to make her hear me, clearly. I ran over to a girl with short green hair and soft, green eyes. "U-uh, hi... do you know where Miku is?" I asked. The girl pointed to down the halls, on the left side. "I'm sure, I saw her go there." She told me. "Ah, thank you." I grinned and ran down the halls to find Miku standing in front of the blue, lockers. "Oh, (Your name)-kun, Ohayou!!" Miku greeted me. I waved. "Hi, Miku." I responded, sweetly with a grin on my face. "Oh, I forgot... math is first period!" I groaned, while, rolling my eyes, far back. "Awww, (Your name), it's okay..." Miku tried to console me. "Can we just skip it?" I begged, with large, moist, puppy eyes while, staring into Miku's soul. "Well, I dunno..." She began. "PLEASE?!?!" I begged, while falling to my knees and folding my hands, roughly. Miku sighed. "Okay, just this once." She gave in. "Yes!!" I expressed. I grabbed her arm and began running with her. "Hey, where are we going?!" Miku wondered, confused and startled. "You'll see!" I told her. My intention was to drag her over to the cafeteria and buy her and myself, an ice cream and have some chit chat at that same table, we sat it in the corner or the lunchroom, yesterday. "(Your name)! Slow down!" She demanded. "Hold on, we're almost there!" I reminded her, while, noticing we were right in front of the tall, light, blue cafeteria doors. I shoved the right door open and dragged Miku inside, the lunchroom's kitchen. Miku started to pant, a little. "Oh, there's no one here to make us, ice cream. I'll guess, we'll have to make our own." I declared. Miku licked her lips. "What flavor do you want?" I wondered, while I grabbed two cones and walked over to the ice cream machine. "STRAWBERRY!!" The teal haired girl, squealed. "Okay, I'll take (Favorite ice cream flavor)." I decided, while pumping the machine for strawberry into Miku's cone and pumping it for (Favorite ice cream flavor), for myself. Once, I was done with that, I handed Miku her ice cream, as we walked out of the kitchen and headed for our table in the corner of the cafeteria. Miku and I sat down, while savoring our delicious, ice creams. "I love this flavor! Luckily, since, no one was here, I didn't have to pay for them." I realized. Miku giggled, while licking her pink, ice cream. "You know, I could have paid for it." Miku disagreed, as she wiped the extra ice cream, off of her face. Miku randomly started bursting out laughing, loudly. I tilted my head and gave her a confused look. "There's ice cream on you face!!" She giggled. "Oh." I mouthed. I giggled and wiped the bits of the ice cream, of off my lips. "That's better." Miku approved. "Thanks for that, (Your name)-kun." Miku thanked me. I smiled and chuckled. "No problem but, you don't always have to say 'kun' after saying my name, silly." I indicated. Miku chuckled. "Okay." She agreed. I will admit I enjoyed my time with Miku but, I just didn't know what these weird feelings were. They were the same feelings, I felt yesterday except, they felt much stronger and why, just why did they start when me and Miku started hanging out, together?! I don't understand?! It can't be love!! No way!! Of course not! Can it?! No (Your name), that's crazy talk! It's not love... but, my heart just doesn't seem to agree. What is this?"

Hatsune Miku X Male reader "The Girl With Real Emotion"Where stories live. Discover now