Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I look around, and my heartbeat speeds up, I know that name. It's from the horrid book series Twilight, am I in the series? In the body of Isabella Swan? I quickly look back towards the doctor standing in front of me, is he a vampire like in the books?

"Why am I here?" I question.

"You were found unconscious in your bedroom, your father called an ambulance when he couldn't wake you up" Dr. Cullen replied.

"I'm sorry but I have no recollection of that, is that who this man is?" I question. Charlie, if I remember correctly, looked hurt, but I honestly didn't know who anyone was, or where I was.

"Do you not know who you are? Or where you are?"

"No, I don't know where I am, is that bad?" I try to feign innocence. I hear the doctor mumble something along the lines of amnesia. That could work in my favor, I could slide seamlessly into this life, and maybe make a niche for myself here, and become more confident. The doctor looks towards Charlie and motions for him to come with him to the hallway. This might as well be a start for making a stand for myself. "Hey, if what you are saying pertains to me, then I should be able to hear what you are going to tell this gentleman here" I say to the doctor. I really wanted to know what he was going to say to Charlie. He looked surprised but complied with my wishes.

He said "I believe that Isabella here has amnesia. I am not sure if it will be permanent or not, but other than that, she can go home now". I looked at him like he was dumb, he was sending a girl, with no memories, with a stranger to go to their house? How dumb was this person? I don't even know how old I am in this body. I should probably work on the basics.

"Hey, Doctor Cullen, can I at least know my basic information?"

"Oh yeah, sure but you can get that from your Father". I just gave him an 'are you dumb' look. But I still heeded his instructions and turned to the quiet man sitting next to me, expectantly. He looked startled for a minute but then started talking.

"Your name is Isabella Marie Swan, and you were born on September 13, 1987. You are 17 years old and you just moved in with me, and you start school on Monday" he says all in one breath, obviously nervous. I was internally freaking out though. I was seventeen! I died at almost fourteen and only have an education up until the eighth grade. How was I going to survive high school and the courses involved when I haven't even had a period? Even with my classes being so advanced, I knew that I was going to struggle. I'm not even going to mention the fact that I am somehow in the past though. I died in 2018, and it is 2004 currently. I haven't even been born yet in my reality. All I know is I am going to need a tutor. But I guess I will just wait until I get to the actual school to worry about that. My main worry currently is. Wait, what do I look like?

I get up, and don't feel the whiplash that used to normally hit me when I stood suddenly, awesome new body. I excuse myself to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I observe my thin figure, that looked athletic, and my big brown eyes and long chocolate brown hair. I looked better than I could have ever in this body than my old one. In the back of my mind I couldn't help but think it was weird that I wasn't freaking more out about this whole situation, but I know how I process things. I'll be freaking out later, when I was alone and could let myself be vulnerable. I go to the bathroom and then wash my hands and all that jazz. Then I go back out to the hospital room and asked when we were leaving, I wanted to become accustomed to this life, so I didn't seem to weird.

Charlie just said, "we can leave now". So, we left after saying thank you to Doctor Cullen. I saw a police cruiser and knew it was Charlie's, but I wasn't supposed to know that, so I just stood kind of awkwardly next to him while he located his car. I then followed him to the car and got in when he unlocked it. On the ride to his house, it was just silent. I turned on some radio and it sounded like some kind of 80's rock song. I really enjoyed it, so I continued to listen, and it filled the awkward silence that surrounded the car. I didn't completely lose myself though, I still have the same taste in music, hard rock or metal. I wonder if I could maybe get back into the trading card games. I know they were out in 2004, they were just older versions than I was used to. But if I saved them, they could be worth a pretty penny in about 10 years. I just didn't know how to bring this up to Charlie, I mean I don't even know the old Bella's interests. I hope she wasn't one of those girly girls, but in the books, she didn't seem like that, just a doormat. We stopped in front of a quaint little 2 story house. It looked so cozy.

We walked in and Charlie awkwardly gave me a mini tour of the house. I went up to go see the room Bella stayed in and looked around with distaste. The walls were purple, a color I didn't particularly like. Would have to change that, at least the room wasn't messy, and this girl had some jeans and t-shirts. I would see if I could go shopping, this girl wore skinny jeans, no. I'm from Texas, we wore shorts, and if we had to wear pants, they were loose. I went downstairs to see Charlie watching a sports game. It looked like baseball, but I couldn't be too sure. I walked down and sat on the couch and Charlie and I just watched in silence. I was sucked into the game, and I was right it was baseball. My Father and I used to watch this together when I was younger, gods I miss those days so much. Charlie eventually breaks the silence that fell on us.

"So, I informed the school that you have amnesia, you won't be expected to really remember anybody, I also told the people down on the Rez about you".

"Who are they?" I ask, wondering, and honestly hoping, that they didn't turn into giant fluffy wolves.

"Oh, yeah, they are a tribe of Native Americans called the Quileute Tribe. They are really nice, and there is this one girl I think you would get along with". He says, but how would he know? He doesn't even know me. I just didn't comment, instead I asked to go shopping. He looked a bit surprised but then nodded his head. "OK, we can go, and you can spend as much as you want, I haven't seen you in years and have a sizable amount just waiting to be spent on you. Plus, I am single and have a well-paying job. I have some extra cash".

I was surprised but accepted it. I did feel a bit guilty though, I wasn't this man's actual child, just a person who woke up in their body.

"I'll be down real quick, I am just going to go change into something more appropriate" I say. I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a flannel t-shirt, I needed out of it. I went upstairs to the bedroom and picked out a pair of loose-fitting jeans, about the only one I could find, and put those on along with a plain black t-shirt and I picked up a winter coat hanging off a chair at the desk. I walked back downstairs and said

"OK, I am ready to go, how about you?" He says "OK" and we leave.

So yeah, that is the first chapter. The kid, Riley is 13, because she just graduated middle school. I am basing this off what I would have done if I were in her situation when I was 13/14. I was mature and had my moments of immaturity. Anyways, if anyone has questions don't be afraid to ask, I know it seems confusing, I was just really excited to write this. And those who hate, you don't have to read this. Also, this will be a slow burn because this kid has issues, like I did, but she will get over them... eventually. She is also mentally and emotionally 13.

The chapters will be longer but a longer wait in between each chapter.

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it.

-Klutzy Stone Heart

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