Chapter 7//Ex-Files

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Chapter 7
Nancy was anxious for tuesday. She hadn't seen Steve anywhere on monday and had begun to worry herself.

"Don't worry, babe," Jon had said, monday at lunch, while they sat in his car. "He's a tough guy".

She knew he was tough, but the events from the upside-down were still too fresh for everyone that she feared there might be something up with him. Nancy thought back to the week prior and how Steve walked around like he knew someone was watching him.

"Good morning," Jonathan greeted her as she slid into his car, Will sat in the back seat with a giant tabletop game book. She guessed the kids were up to their shenanigans after school again.

"Morning," she said and leaned over the center console to peck him on the cheek.

This new relationship was so different to her as she was used to being with Steve. Jon and her had found each other just under a month ago while fighting for Will's life, and she had never been happier.

But she couldn't deny that her heart still felt for her ex-boyfriend Steve. She had watched him fight for the kids and protect everyone, and it had reminded her on why she had fallen for him.

He was something of a babysitter for the kids, and even Max had began to rely on him for even the smallest thing; like how she had stayed at his house for the better part of last week.

Nancy had loved him once, but he needed to figure his life out. He was so bad at keeping secrets, and she had began to fall for Jon, but in a different way. Jon was calculated, and quiet, but valiant and family oriented.

While Steve didn't love Jon, she knew he tolerated him for her.

"The kids are playing again tonight," Jon informed her, nearing Hawkins. She chuckled and nodded, those kids were obsessed!

"About that," Will spoke from behind Nancy. "Steve didn't answer Dustin's calls last night, so maybe could you drive me over after school?"

Jon agreed, but watched Nancy as she started at her glove clad hands. A pit had formed in her stomach at Will's information. Why wouldn't he answer Dustin's call?

They pulled into the school and parked at their usual spot, just before Billy came flying into the lot in his prized camaro. Jon and Nancy shook their heads, knowing how much of a ticking time bomb that guy was, and watched as Max flung herself out of the car; stalking away.

Nancy wrinkled her nose in disgust while she saw Billy hang out of the driver side window, lighting a cigarette. His aviator sunglasses hug lazily on his nose; his rock music blaring from his car. She noticed how the mysterious bruises he had gotten last week were clearing up, making parts of his tanned face, yellow and green. He looked rough.

She didn't know much about that guy, but she disliked him for what he had done to Steve, Max, and Lucas. She didn't feel any sympathy to him, knowing he had a sad life, because she believed he could change himself if he truly wanted. 

"Weird guy," Jon said quietly beside her, monitoring Billy as well. He then stretched his arms up, trying to wake himself up, and added, "Heard he helped Steve at basketball tryouts , though".

Nancy snapped her attention to him then, "What?"

"Yeah Steve got in a fight with Tommy, and Billy stepped in er something," He said through a yawn.

"Oh," she said, looking back at billy, and realizing he had gotten out of his car.

He sauntered with his nose in the air to the school, he golden curls bouncing, clad in all jean. She had to suppress an eye roll, he was so over the top to her.

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