Chapter 16// But First it Will Piss You Off

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**A/N: hey guys, it's been a while, and I'm so sorry about that:( I've been laid off due to the whole virus thing so I have sooooo much time on my hands. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm continuing the story! Yay! Btw I see all of your comments and I'd like to thank you all<3***

Chapter 16:

Steve and Billy left Mike and Eleven at the wheeler's house after deciding to make a plan the day after the older boys' basket ball game. The Californian trailed Steve as he drove back to his house, and Steve fought to admit that he began to feel comforted having Billy with him again.

The sight of Billy smoking his third cigarette, since leaving the Wheeler's house, in his rear-view mirror made Steve's jaw relax and the fear subside slightly. He didn't understand why he felt that way, and he didn't think ever wanted to.

Once at the Harrington residence, the two parked in the garage, and entered the quiet house; left unlocked from earlier.

Steve bee-lined it to the fridge and retrieved two beers, and once Billy had joined him in the kitchen, he tossed the second can to him. A weird air hung between them, but neither one wanted to say anything about it.

"Thanks," Billy said, cracking the can open and downing the beverage. Steve watched his adam's apple bob with every gulp, not really knowing why it entranced him so.

To shake himself from foreign thoughts, he cracked his own beer open and chugged it. They stood in awkward silence for a while, and even when Steve grabbed a second beer for both, neither one spoke, although he could tell Billy was antsy.

"What did she show yah?" Steve inquired through shaky breaths, nervous to speak. He felt like he was walking on eggshells, like Billy was this fragile enigma that if he were to say or do the wrong thing he could lose him forever. And he didn't want that, now.

Billy shrugged, staring at the can in his hand, then looked up to Steve; concern lining his pretty blue eyes. "Some idiot swinging a bat at some demo-dogs in the junk yard". His tone was nonchalant but his eyes were the most serious Steve had ever seen.

"Oh that..." Steve began to blush. "Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking," he admitted, remembering back to being outnumbered by demo-dogs before the fall. He rubbed the back of neck, feeling self-conscious.

"Saw my step-sister there," Billy said, his tone challenging Steve, as the last time Billy saw Max with Steve's group, he'd beat him to a pulp.

Steve laughed nervously, "Yeah, she still wasn't really part of the group then."

Billy humph'd while rolling his eyes, then crossed his arms over his broad chest. And Steve swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.

"Yeah well she sure is now, eh?" Billy retorted in a teasing way, loving the way that it made Steve visibly uncomfortable.

Steve nodded slowly, trying to regain composure; he wanted to kick himself for how stupid he acted around Billy when they were trying to be civil to each other.  

"She's been a great distraction for Dustin and Lucas, that's for sure," Steve said bravely, knowing it'd irk Billy that his sister was already hanging out with boys.

Billy's crystal blue eyes turned into a dark oceanic colour at the mention of Dustin and Lucas. He glared at Steve, then, "Oh yeah?"

"Yup, but she's been a great amount of help," Steve said honestly and shrugged, then leaned on the counter. "Plus her and Eleven have become friends".

A sly smirk spread Billy's lips, then he tilted his chin upwards, "She better not get hurt, or I'll kill yah".

Steve shook his head, believing that Billy'd try to kill him, "Well she hasn't so far. Plus...I'd die before that happened".

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