Chapter 2

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Nico's POV

We jumped off our hippocampi as soon as we coasted. I took out my Stygian Iron sword to battle the hellhounds, but Percy stopped me.

"No! You and Jason go find the newbies. I'll fight off the hellhounds." He said running back into the water. Our hippocampi had already left.

I nodded, and dragged Jason towards the school. I believed Percy could fight the hellhounds, there were only three, especially with water on his side.

Once we got inside, it wasn't hard finding the demigods. The middle school had no security at all. It was also a pretty small school.

Phil, the satyr assigned here, met us at the entrance. He led us to where three of them were, but one was in the school library.

"I'll go get her." I volunteered, "What's her name again?"

"Lucy." Phil told me.

At that point, Phil directed me to the library, and he and Jason took of to get the others.

When I got into the room full of books, there were only two people. An old librarian, and a girl blonde girl, who I'm guessing is Lucy.

I walked up to her and asked, "Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to be Lucy, would you?"

She turned around and studied me with sharp green eyes. "Um, yeah that's me."

"Great. My name is Nico, and I'm going to get you out of here." I told Lucy. Was I being to direct?

"What?" She asked me bewildered.

"Just please come with me. I'm taking you somewhere safe."

I didn't wait for her to argue again. Taking her wrist, we ran out of the library.

It wasn't hard finding everyone else after that.

Jason was trying to protect three girls, and fight a hellhound at the same time. Phil was playing some reed pipes, but nothing happened. And Percy was fighting, and winning must I add, with another hellhound.

I was wondering where the third one was, but then noticed how Percy was covered in golden dust.

"What the hell is going on?!" Lucy yelled over the commotion.

"Go over by those other girls. Jason will protect you." I shoved her towards the small group of girls that Jason was now having difficulty with. He couldn't protect the four of them and fight a hellhound at the same time.

I took my sword back out and ran at the hellhound full speed.

The fight was quick. After a few swipes from my sword, and some help from Jason as he controlled the wind, we defeated the hellhound. We calmed the girls as Percy finished his of.

"Nico we need to get out of here. Now. I can't believe I'm saying this, but do you think you could shadow travel us all back to camp?" Percy said when he got to the group.

"I-I don't know Percy. I have never shadow travelled with so many people." I replied stuttering a little because he had put his hand on my shoulder.

Phil spoke up, "Well I'm not coming with you. I need to go talk to a nymph in Central Park."

"Come on Nico. I know you can do it." Percy said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Okay fine. I'll try." Jason clapped me on the back as I lead the group over to a dark shadow.

"Everyone, grab on." I instructed them. They all grabbed on to my arms.

It took me a minute, but I finally mustered enough power to travel us all back to Camp Half-Blood. I knew we had made it there, but I can't remember anything after arriving, because I fainting as soon as we hit solid ground.


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