Daniel? In Music Class?

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We headed to our next class which was music. I was looking forward to music because I love it, it’s like the lyrics speak to me, whenever songs are being played on the radio, it’s like every word of it reminds me of every moment of my life. Angel, Therese, Ben and I started to talk our way to music, laughing and making jokes.

I really liked them and hopefully I finally found my true friends. Unlike the ones back in Nashville, backstabbers!

I entered in class and there were no desks but a few chairs, empty. All you can see is a stage, red curtains over it and a piano at the side of the stage. People were sitting on the floor or the few chairs that were around it.

Miss Hemmingway I believe is her name, she spotted me and sang my name "Hayley Turner!" she sang. Everyone laughed and smiled at me.

Jeez, this woman is very enthusiastic and much laid back. "Miss Turner welcome to music class, where you can express your feelings and write your lyrics" she said turning to me.

"You may take a seat sweetie". 

Thats more like, music is totally my thing. I was about to sit down when I saw Daniel. Daniel? In Music Class? His interested in music? Woah! 

I sat next to Esther who was writing something in her book. I saw Daniel look at me and I looked at him, then we both turned away. I blushed that knowing his going to be in my class for the rest fo the year.

This was going to be a long day...

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